Susannah Stewart Stories | Susannah Is Six

Count Your Blessings

Instead of tallying your troubles

Susannah MacKinnie
Appalachian Tales and Trails
4 min readJan 26, 2021


A young girl hugging her mother in front of an image of “Thank You” in different languages.
Image created by the author on Canva and Prisma

The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.

William Penn

Susannah Stewart’s Haiku

I will be grateful

For the opportunities

To express myself

Earlier in the afternoon, Susannah Stewart had complained to her best friend, her dictionary, Merriam-Webster.

“Merriam, can you believe I gotta write a poem about something that I am grateful for just to get out of going with Grandmother Iline to Melanie’s house tonight?”

Merriam-Webster: close call: a narrow escape

Susannah agreed.

“Well, you might be right. I could have gotten the no holds barred tyranny treatment or even worse, the ‘this will build your character’ routine. No way I could have gotten out of going to Melanie’s if Grandmother had resorted to one of those.”

“There’s nothing more miserable than an entire evening of Cousin Scarlett’s blah blah ‘Melanie is so precious, and what will we do about…

