Dear Son: Wear Your Rainbow Shirt With Pride

I want to encourage my son to express pride and ally-ship — but I also want to shield him from everything else that may come with making a statement in our small town.

Jessica Watson


School age boy looking out the window.
Photo: MoMo Productions/Getty Images

I bought a new Pride shirt to add to our collection. Who could resist a sloth holding a rainbow flag? Since Pride Month was just beginning, I knew one of us would wear it. I didn’t think it would be you, though.

You came downstairs ready for rehearsal, rainbow flag on your shirt, threatening to knock me over. You are not my outspoken one. You’re not the first one to stand up for causes or voice your opinion. You’re always a little worried about causing a stir or drawing too much attention to yourself. Your strong convictions come out in quiet conversations and contemplative car rides.

I appreciate your approach and demeanor. It’s a lot like mine. Which is why I know not to say much. You are a preteen now, and if I draw attention to the statement on your shirt, you might smile, but you might shrink with embarrassment. Or slip away to change into something from your usual rotation.

Together we leave for our busy morning. I consciously tamp down the edges of my smile, but seeing you in that shirt makes me want to follow…



Jessica Watson

Juggling coffee and sanity. Dropping them both. Author of “Soon” a children’s book.