Parenthood Is: Getting Comfortable Living in the Gray

Apparently is here to embrace the complexities that define modern parenthood.

Jill Koziol
3 min readJul 29, 2019


Photo: Hoxton/Sam Edwards/Getty Images

Parenthood is one of the most transformative, powerful, and universal experiences on the planet. And wouldn’t it be great if it came with a manual? One with all of the solutions typed out neatly in black and white?

Apparently, it doesn’t.

Instead, modern parenthood is full of gray areas. And these gray areas aren’t just about the “right” and “wrong” way to raise a child. They’re about the type of life you want to build for yourself and your family.

I co-founded Motherly four years ago to ensure we, as modern parents, don’t have to go it alone, grappling with the big decisions of our time without a village.

Because, in today’s fast-paced, information-saturated world, it’s easy to succumb to decision fatigue and look to others to give us answers. But the truth is, the answers aren’t always universal. And so, at Motherly we’re committed to empowering women with information, inspiration, and support to trust herself to make decisions that are best for herself and her family. Because we believe that when mamas thrive, families thrive, and the world thrives.

Which brings us to the birth of Apparently, a collaboration between Motherly and Medium about the future of parenthood. Medium’s platform provides Motherly with an opportunity to engage a more diverse audience on topics that matter to the community of more than 30 million women who turn to us each month. We take motherhood, and parenthood, seriously at Motherly and are excited to elevate the discussion to a broader audience through Apparently.

Apparently aims to serve as a conversation-starter at an important time in history as society comes to terms with the importance and value of caregiving and move what has been treated as niche issues into the mainstream. We want to spark a dialogue that forces our society, culture, and government to consider parenthood when making decisions about the future.

We believe that change starts inside. As parents, we need to first internalize and value the work that we do as caregivers and parents. And we need to give ourselves voice externally, too — within our families and partnerships, and ultimately within the companies we work for and our government. Parenthood matters, and what we do today has a ripple effect for the rest of society and history.

Apparently’s home on Medium gives Motherly an opportunity to look deeper into issues, create a safe space to discuss tough issues, and lift the voices of those who haven’t had a voice before. At Apparently you’ll find diverse perspectives, science-backed reporting, and sharp insights from thought-leaders on the issues that matter most to parents. What you won’t find at Apparently? Instructions about the “right way” to parent.

People love things to be and black and white. We crave yes or no answers. There’s a tendency — especially in the media — to pattern-match or put things in buckets. But forcing binaries only divides us, and if there’s anything in the world to rally around and unite us, it’s the shared understanding that we have as parents.

As a society, we have to get more comfortable living in the gray. At Apparently we’re here to recognize, internalize, and ultimately celebrate the complexities of parenthood. It’s time to elevate the conversation on parenting, in order to give voice to the challenges that are holding parents, and quite frankly, society, back.

We hope you’ll join the conversation as we continue to discover what the future of parenthood holds. We can’t wait to hear from you.

