A Deep Dive into UX Research: Your Compass

Ekinsu Karabeyoğlu
Appcent Design
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2023

Navigating the vast seas of User Experience (UX) can feel like a mariner without a compass. But fear not, fellow explorers, for UX research, is that guiding star. Join me on a journey where we unveil the mysteries of research methods, timeless UX principles, mapping tools, and those sneaky biases that might lead us astray.

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

1. Your Research Toolkit: Not All Heroes Wear Capes


Think of them as your informants. From BERT scales to Likert scales, they whisper users' raw, unfiltered truths.

Competitor Recon

Have you ever thought about what your rivals are up to? This is your spyglass into the norms and expectations of the industry.


(Un)moderated Tests

It’s like watching a movie. Witness how users tango with your product with or without a director’s commentary.

Click Test & Timeout Test

These are your stopwatches, measuring the “where” and the “how long” of user interactions.

Focus Chats

Whether a fireside group chat or a coffee break with just one user, delve deep into the recesses of user minds.

2. The Spice to Your Main Course

Diary Tales

Imagine peeping into users’ diaries. It’s a time capsule of interactions.

Ethnographic Studies

It’s anthropology but for UX. See users in their natural habitat.


Your thermal camera shows the hot and cold zones of user interaction.

Card Games & Onsite Data

Delve into the card house of preferences and behaviors.

3. Timeless UX Laws: Your Trusty Travel Companions

Jakobs Law

Users have expectations built on familiarity. Don’t reinvent the wheel unless necessary.

Pareto’s Wisdom

A tiny chunk causes the majority of the outcomes.

Beauty & Function

A pretty design isn’t just eye candy; it’s seen as more functional.

Fitts & Miller

Targeting mechanics and memory magic, in a nutshell.

4. Your Treasure Maps

Affinity Map

Organize your discoveries by themes.

Topic Viz

Unravel the web of interconnected topics.


Decipher the symphony of interacting components.

User Quests

Chronicle the epic tales of user adventures over time.

5. The Sirens of Bias

Confirmation Snare

Seeking echoes of our beliefs can lead us off course.

Acquiescence Trap

Nods don’t always mean agreement.

Available Illusion

Relying solely on the immediate can blur the big picture.

6. Tales from the Real World

Quest for Expectations

Combine the magic of affinity maps and user chats.

Perception Puzzles

How do users view your design? Click tests and the Desirability method reveal all.

Motivation Mysteries

Ethnographic studies and diary tales are your magnifying glasses.

Behavior Chronicles

Decoding actions with heatmaps and raw data.

7. Testing: Your Crystal Ball

From A/B foresight Sean Ellis's revelations to the KANO prophecies, these tools predict the fruits of your endeavors.

A Closing Thought

UX research, more than just a technical endeavor, is an art that breathes life into the digital landscape. It isn’t simply a day job or a checklist of tasks; it’s akin to an exhilarating expedition across uncharted territories. With each study, we peel back layers, revealing the hidden intricacies of human behavior and the delicate dance between user and interface. We’re not just researchers; we’re storytellers, weaving narratives of user journeys, frustrations, and victories. Each tool in our possession, from heatmaps to ethnographic studies, acts like a compass or a magnifying glass, illuminating the path ahead and the minute details often overlooked. The principles we uphold are the age-old wisdom passed down, guiding our every move and decision. And while data drives our actions, it’s the touch of intuition, that gut feeling, which often turns good designs into unforgettable experiences.

Yet, the journey of UX isn’t solitary. We belong to a community, a ship crewed by passionate individuals with diverse backgrounds. Designers, developers, and product managers unite by a shared vision of creating products that resonate and make an impact. The successes, the eureka moments, are collective victories celebrated as a testament to the synergy of collaboration. The challenges, conversely, become lessons, molding us, refining our strategies, and shaping the future of digital interactions. Every feedback loop and iteration is a step forward, a stride toward perfection. So, to my comrades in this grand voyage of UX discovery, let’s not just aim for the horizon. Let’s set our sights beyond, for stars uncharted and tales untold. With determination, expertise, and a sprinkle of magic, we’ll craft legends in the annals of user experience.

