Single Activity vs Multiple Activities Architecture

Betül Necanlı
Published in
5 min readOct 20, 2023

In the dynamic world of Android app development, developers are faced with crucial decisions that shape the user experience and the overall architecture of their applications. One such pivotal choice revolves around the structure of the app’s activities — the fundamental building blocks of any Android application. Should developers opt for a streamlined approach with a single activity housing multiple fragments, or should they embrace the compartmentalized nature of multiple activities, each encapsulating a distinct part of the app’s functionality?

The decision between a single activity and multiple activities is akin to selecting the blueprint for a house; it profoundly influences the flow, complexity, and scalability of the application. Each approach comes with its own set of advantages and challenges, catering to different app requirements and developer preferences. Aspiring and seasoned developers alike must navigate this decision-making process thoughtfully to ensure their apps are not only robust and efficient but also provide an optimal user experience.

In Android development, whether to use a single activity or multiple activities depends on the complexity and structure of your application. Both approaches have their advantages and use cases.

Single Activity Approach

In this approach, your entire application consists of a single activity that serves as a container for multiple destinations, which could include fragments in traditional architectures or various UI components such as composables in Jetpack Compose or other custom UI elements used for navigation.

When to use Single Activity:

  • Navigation-based Apps: If your app’s navigation is based on fragments, such as a bottom navigation bar or a navigation drawer, using a single activity can simplify the navigation flow.
  • Modular Design: When you want to build a modular app where each feature or module is represented by a fragment, and you can combine these fragments dynamically.
  • Optimized Memory Usage: Single activity can be more memory-efficient as the system has to manage fewer components.


  • Simplified Navigation: Using fragments within a single activity can simplify navigation management, especially for apps with complex navigation flows.
  • Improved Performance: Single activity can be more memory-efficient as there are fewer components for the system to manage, potentially leading to better performance, especially on lower-end devices.
  • Shared Resources: Fragments within a single activity can easily share resources and data, making it convenient to pass data between different parts of the UI.
  • Dynamic UI: You can create dynamic and flexible UIs by replacing fragments within the same activity, enabling a modular and adaptable design.
  • Smooth Transitions: Transition animations between fragments can be smoother and more seamless, enhancing the overall user experience.


  • Complex UI Handling: Handling complex UI designs and interactions within a single activity might lead to more intricate code, especially when dealing with a large number of fragments.
  • Learning Curve: Understanding and implementing the fragment lifecycle and communication between fragments can be challenging, especially for beginners.

✍️ Example:

Imagine a news app where the main screen has categories like Sports, Technology, and Entertainment. Clicking on a category item loads a different fragment with the respective news content. All this can be managed within a single activity using fragments for each category.

📝 The ultimate benefit of single activity apps is being completely independent of the underlying task management and intent flag mechanisms, and instead have a complete ownership and control over your app’s navigation and overall application state. (Source : Reddit)

Multiple Activity Approach

In this approach, each screen or feature of your application is implemented as a separate activity.

When to use Multiple Activities:

  • Task-based Apps: If your app’s flow is task-based, meaning users complete specific tasks in different screens, it makes sense to use multiple activities. For example, a camera app might have separate activities for capturing photos and videos.
  • Independent Modules: If different screens of your app are largely independent and don’t share a lot of data or UI components, multiple activities might be a good choice.
  • Simplicity and Modularity: For simpler apps or apps where you want to keep each screen modular and self-contained, multiple activities can be a good fit.


  • Modular Design: Each activity can represent a self-contained module, making it easier to manage and understand the flow of the application.
  • Simpler UI Logic: For simpler apps, managing the UI and user interactions within individual activities can lead to more straightforward code.
  • Task Isolation: Activities are isolated, meaning issues in one screen are less likely to affect others, enhancing the stability of the application.
  • Clear Separation: Activities naturally enforce separation of concerns, making it easier to organize and maintain code for different parts of the app.
  • Easier Learning Curve: For beginners, understanding the concept of activities and managing them individually might be simpler compared to dealing with complex fragment interactions.

Cons :

  • Navigation Complexity: Managing navigation between multiple activities can be more challenging, especially for apps with intricate navigation flows.
  • Resource Duplication: Resources like layouts and drawables might need to be duplicated across activities, potentially increasing the APK size.
  • Potential Memory Overhead: Each activity comes with its own memory overhead, which can accumulate in memory-intensive applications, potentially impacting performance.
  • Transition Overheads: Transition animations between activities might not be as smooth as fragment transitions, affecting the overall user experience.

✍️ Example:

Consider a messaging app where you have different activities for composing a message, viewing conversations, and managing contacts. Each of these activities can function independently and doesn’t necessarily share complex UI components or data.

⭐️ Imagine your app as a browser, Activities are like a browser window, and Fragments are like tabs.

Switching between foreground activities is an OS operation, while switching fragment is like switching tabs (within the application). Each tab (fragments) live within the lifecycle of a single browser window (activity).

You can have multiple windows with multiple tabs, just as you can have multiple activities with multiple fragments in each of them. But it makes more sense to just have a single window with multiple tabs. (Source : Reddit)

In summary, both single activity and multiple activity approaches have their places in Android development. Your choice should be based on the specific requirements and design of your application. Always consider the user experience, ease of maintenance, and app performance when making your decision.

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