How to Create Line Charts with SwiftUI Charts in iOS 16

Simon Ng
AppCoda Tutorials
Published in
6 min readJun 24, 2022


The Charts framework is one of my favourite features for the new version of SwiftUI in iOS 16. Prior to iOS 16, you need to build your own charts or rely on third party library to render charts for you. With the release of this new framework, Apple has made it very easy for developers to create animated and interactive charts.

I have briefly discussed the usage of the Charts API in this post. For this tutorial, let’s see how to use the APIs to create a line chart.

The Weather Data

To demonstrate the SwiftUI Charts API, we will create a line chart that displays the average temperature of Hong Kong, Taipei, and London from 2021-Jul to 2022-Jun.

To store the weather data, I created a WeatherData struct like below:

struct WeatherData: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let date: Date
let temperature: Double

init(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int, temperature: Double) { = .init(year: year,month: month, day: day)) ?? Date()
self.temperature = temperature

The Chart initializer takes in a list of Identifiable objects. This is why we make the WeatherData conform the Identifiable protocol.

For each city, we create an array to store the weather data. Here is an example for London:

let londonWeatherData = [ WeatherData(year: 2021, month: 7, day: 1,temperature: 19.0)…



Simon Ng
AppCoda Tutorials

Founder of AppCoda. iOS Developer and Indie Entrepreneur. Love coffee, food and travel.