A Beginner’s Guide to SwiftUI Buttons

Simon Ng
AppCoda Tutorials
Published in
10 min readSep 1, 2019


I don’t think I need to explain what a button is. It’s a very basic UI control that you can find in all apps and has the ability to handle users’ touch, and trigger a certain action. If you have learned iOS programming before, Button in SwiftUI is very similar to UIButton in UIKit. It’s just more flexible and customizable. You will understand what I mean in a while. In this tutorial, I will go through with you this SwiftUI control and you’re to learn the following techniques:

  1. How to create a simple button and handle the user’s selection
  2. How to customize the button’s background, padding and font
  3. How to add borders to a button
  4. How to create a button with both image and text
  5. How to create a button with a gradient background and shadows
  6. How to create a full-width button

Note: If you’re new to SwiftUI, please check out the introductory tutorial first.

Creating a New Project with SwiftUI enabled

Okay, let’s start with the basics and create a simple button using SwiftUI. First, fire up Xcode and create a new project using the Single View Application template. Type the name of the project. I set it to SwiftUIButton but you’re free to use any other name. All you need to ensure is check the Use SwiftUI option.



Simon Ng
AppCoda Tutorials

Founder of AppCoda. iOS Developer and Indie Entrepreneur. Love coffee, food and travel. http://www.appcoda.com