Using ScrollView to Build an Image Carousel in iOS

Simon Ng
AppCoda Tutorials
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2023


In a previous tutorial, we took a deep dive into creating an image carousel from scratch. We utilized fundamental SwiftUI views like stack views and geometry readers to craft a dynamic carousel UI that worked seamlessly across older iOS versions.

However, if your app exclusively targets the latest iOS version, there is no need to embark on a ground-up implementation of the image carousel. With the latest advancements in SwiftUI, you can now easily create the same fluid carousel UI with significantly less code. With the arrival of iOS 17, the built-in ScrollView introduces an intuitive paging feature, empowering developers to build image carousels and similar UI layouts with a few lines of code.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a similar carousel UI using the new version of ScrollView. You’ll be impressed by how little code is needed to accomplish this.

Let’s get started.

Building a Carousel UI with ScrollView and LazyHStack

Assuming you have created a SwiftUI project and imported a set of images into the asset catalog, you can create a simple carousel UI using horizontal ScrollView and LazyHStack. Here is a sample code snippet:

struct ContentView: View {

private let…



Simon Ng
AppCoda Tutorials

Founder of AppCoda. iOS Developer and Indie Entrepreneur. Love coffee, food and travel.