Should Your App Be iOS or Android At First? Here’s The Answer!

Lori Caricofe
App Development Company
9 min readFeb 3, 2021

Now that you have finally made your mind to create a mobile app, you probably are debating in your head the pros and cons of creating iOS or Android — which to develop first?

In simple words, you have to decide between the Google Play Store or Apple Store.

It’s not an easy choice to make.

Well, for rookies, iOS and Android users behave differently.

While your core objective is to launch on both platforms, it’s expensive as well as jeopardous to build an app for both simultaneously.

So, if you start your mobile app development with the wrong platform, you could be turning a blind eye to your primary target audience.

If only there were a key takeaway that didn’t force you to choose one!

Although most developers prefer to create an app for one platform to start, and then launch the app on another platform later — once the first version of the app is established and successful.

But, First How To Decide Whether To Launch Your App On iOS or Android?

Making the best decision depends on several factors I am going to pen down in this article.

Let’s start with first and the foremost factor!

First and foremost, choosing between iOS or Android as your launch platform depends on your business goals, your targeted audience and market. Well, we will go step-by-step through the decisive factors that you should be paying attention to.

Digital Around The Globe

Did You Know!

Mobile phones now account for more than half of the time spent online worldwide.

In a report by GSMA mobile economy, mobile penetration reached 67% of the global population in 2019. While, in Europe, the percentage is higher at 86% and predicted to reach 87% by 2025. The numbers are quite similar in North America, where the mobile penetration rate closed at 83% in 2019.

Besides, approximately 4.66 billion people across the world use the internet at the starting of 2021 — that’s close to 60% of the total population. With no surprise, 92.6% use mobile devices to go online at least some of the time, whereas 70% go online through laptops and desktops for some of their connected activities.

Spending Behaviour With Brand Loyalty

Undoubtedly, 2020 was a year full of milestones for gaming as well as non-gaming apps. Also, consumer spending on Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store upsurge new heights as users are inclined towards mobile devices for employment, entertainment and education.

iOS users, compared to Android users, have more spending powers. Users spent $72.3 billion on iOS apps in 2020. Android users spent $38.6 billion in 2020, which is approximately half to iOS app spendings.

Simultaneously, if brand loyalty is one of your primary considerations, you can’t take the risk of going wrong with either of the platforms. If, however, you are thinking to create a premium app, you should consider iOS app development, as Apple users have more spending power when everything funnels down to mobile apps.

Time For Numbers — The Revenue

According to Sensor Tower Store Intelligence data, users spent roughly around $111 billion globally on in-app purchases, subscriptions, and premium apps across Apple and Google Playstore. This clearly portrays a 30.2% annual growth from 2019 when app stores earned $85.2 billion.

So, jumping back to what platform to choose, you may be considering iOS or Android because they dominate the mobile industry market share. But, market share alone doesn’t show the complete picture. How much revenue is generated seems a more relevant story, and in this area, things are not much different.

Witnessing the app growth, the app revenue for Q4 2020, climbed to $31.9 billion for the two main app stores — iOS and Android. The Apple App store outperforms in revenue generation with $ 21.4 billion, despite having less than 15% market share worldwide.

Whereas, Android observed a 167% increase in revenue from the past few years reaching $10.4 billion in Q4 2020.

What Is Better At First — iOS or Android? The 3 Definitives To Help You Select

Saying Hello To Your Targeted Audience

Whether you agree or not, there are key differences in the user iOS and Android attracts.

For instance, Android devices have the biggest global market share. Although, Apple dominates the app store for customer spending.

Thus, it’s crucial to consider your target audience’s geographic and demographic characteristics while deciding on the platform to create for first.

Likewise, if your target audience is across the globe, Android may be your ideal fit.

If your targeted audience is in Western Europe or North America, or even if you are planning an e-commerce or enterprise app, opting for iPhone app development may be a better choice.

To be precise, “Android is the best choice for Audience in Up-and-Coming Markets”

  • Android users are more likely to work in technical domains.
  • Android is a dominant choice in the world up-and-coming markets, including in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
  • Android is a likely choice for men in comparison to iOS.

On Contrary, “iOS is an ideal choice for millennials in Western Europe, North America and Australia”.

Consider Development Time & Your Pocket Too

iOS app development is faster, easier and cheaper to build — while some estimations make development time at 30–40% longer for Android.

One of the significant reasons why iOS is more comfortable to create is the lines of code. Android apps are usually written in Java, which includes writing more codes than Swift, Apple’s official language.

Another decisive reason is that Android is an open-source platform. A deficit in standardization means more devices, elements, and software fragmentation to account for.

Apple’s closed ecosystem means you are creating for selected standardized devices and operating systems.

That state, the Apple App Store has some defined rules and quality expectations and a longer review process. So it may consume a more extended time duration for apps waiting for approvals. Your app may even be rejected if it’s not up to Apple’s standard.

A Free-Hand To Experiment With Feature Set

What features do you want to offer through your business app?

This is one of the crucial questions asking for clarity before you start for your app.

Simply, because Android is open-source, there is more flexibility to customize your app — creating the features and functions that your audience want.

For sure, this open environment means Android is more susceptible to malware and pirate apps.

Apple is generally considered more safe and secure because of its closed nature, which is why iOS has a bigger audience, especially in the enterprise market.

Maintaining An App Should Be Easy

Creating an Android app means spending more time making sure your app remains compatible with the platforms while avoiding bugs and crashes for users running on older operating systems.

Android users are usually slower to adopt new operating systems. Even, it was found in a study over 50% of Android users was running an operating system more than two years old.

It clearly portrays, Android users are slower to adopt new operating systems. Simultaneously, one study found Apple users have higher chances of updating their operating systems.

How Do You Plan To Make Money?

If your core objective is app monetization, I have listed some key platform differences to help you with a comprehensive insight you should consider.

Android users are less likely to pay for apps than iOS users, so free apps with in-app ads are more common.

De facto, the Apple App Store, generates twice the revenue as Google Play, regardless of having half as many downloads.

A handful of more key app monetization differences are as below:

  • Apple users are more likely to pay for apps, except one category — “utility apps”. Yes, Android outperforms when it comes to utility apps.
  • iOS users are more likely to make in-app purchases and spend more time on them.
  • It’s no more under shadow of doubt, shopping apps produce the most revenue, and North America leads in sales.
  • Apple and Google are pushing subscriptions and providing developers a larger cut of the revenue.

A Piece Of Advice

If you want to monetize your app, regardless of the gateway be subscriptions, freemium models, or in-app purchases, then Apple maybe your right bet. The same holds for e-commerce apps.

Nevertheless, revenue generation from Android apps is soaring, though Apple is expected to remain the dominant choice for App Store, Google Play and Third-Party Android stores all together are expected to overshadow the App Store in counts of revenue.

Most Importantly “Why Not Create For Both Platforms From The Start?”

When you have a groundbreaking mobile app idea, that you believe is going to revolutionize how lots of people do things today. And, your first thought might be to make it available to as many users as possible,

That often means having it on every mobile device possible — iPad, iPhone, Android Phones, smartwatches, and the list goes on.

So, probably, you are asking yourself — “What is the need to choose one between iOS or Android in the first place?”

The answer is here!

If your business is in its early stage, you are in a deficit of the required resources — time or money — and thus you cannot afford to for both. The best approach in this situation is to look at your target audience and evaluate out what mobile platform they prefer and use frequently.

The next comes, “Validation”. As convinced as you may be of your idea’s potential, the real test will happen at the first interaction core audience and product. Starting with one platform at a time might help you redefine your solution until you are all set to scale while also saving your additional costs.

Android vs iOS: Start With Right Platform To Create Your First

Considering your audience demography, who they are, the features they look for, and your development timeline and budget constraints — all determine whether you should create a business app for Android or iOS first.

So, if you need to create a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) faster and without having a hole in your pocket, then iOS may be the right way. Similarly, if you are looking to reap money with your app or create an e-commerce app, iOS is a right way out.

However, if your target is global or emerging marketplaces, especially in Asia and Latin America, or if your app includes features that are not supported by Apple, then opting for Android app development is your best bet.

Lastly, whichever platform you choose, when you start working out the loopholes and create a user base on your initial platform, then users on other platforms start clamoring for a version of your app.

And, when this happens, it’s a sign to create another version of your app for another platform.

Finally: “iOS vs Android Harmonizing Act Continues”

Each of the platforms has its own pros and cons.

Android allows you to reach a broader audience; Apple’s audience is more engaged, loyal to brands and simultaneously open to spending their money on an app they like.

So, to decide what mobile platform you are going to create your product at first, you need to have a quick rundown through the steps:

  • Understand your core audience. Precisely, who will be your early users?
  • Map your element. How is your app created?
  • Acknowledge your business model. What will be your monetization strategy?
  • Sketch out your business vision. What is your mid-to-long-term objective?

Lastly, instead of falling for the Android vs iOS pitfall, you just need to evaluate the one who checks on your need best.

If you are still struggling in outlining your product and sceptical about which platform suits your app idea perfectly, start with your Free Discussion with industry-leading techno-wizards.

Originally published at on February 3, 2021.



Lori Caricofe
App Development Company

Software tester by profession. Fast learner, Passionate about tech. Good sense of humour, & Enjoy challenges!