AI & Software Quality Review — Friday, February 10, 2017

Justin Liu
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2017

AI & Software Quality Review is a weekly compilation of interesting content from the intersection of AI and modern software development. Ironically hand-crafted without robots by the Appdiff team. Click here to subscribe!

Eight Questions Before You Invest in Test Automation

“Should we automate our mobile app testing?” Simple question, right? But implementing rigorous testing comes at a cost. Jason Arbon of Appdiff describes a few quick questions you should ask before you decide to automate.

About The Creators

Cafe X Technologies launches its new San Francisco cafe in “Robots Make Cappuccinos At This New San Francisco Cafe

Northwestern researchers describe their AI system that performs as well as humans on standard intelligence tests in “Making A.I. Systems that See the World as Humans Do

MIT Technology Review describes how Goldman Sachs is replacing traders with engineers in “As Goldman Embraces Automation, Even the Masters of the Universe Are Threatened

“Goldman Sachs…has found consistently that four traders can be replaced by one computer engineer.”

TechCrunch profiles a new banking startup that uses chatbots for customer support in “Revolut launches current accounts and a chatbot

Bloomberg pulls the curtains back on the AI-driven trading firm Sentient Technologies in “Silicon Valley Hedge Fund Takes On Wall Street With AI Trader

About The Industry

Deloitte described the biggest trends in IT, especially the rise of machine intelligence, in “Tech Trends 2017: The Kinetic Enterprise

A confluence of three powerful forces is driving the machine intelligence trend:

1. Exponential data growth
2. Faster distributed systems
3. Smarter algorithms

Forrester Research published a report on ways that AI will impact software testing and development in “How AI Will Change Software Development and Applications

StickyMinds discusses the age-old question about how to measure SDLC productivity in “The Problem with Software Measurement and Metrics

SD Times discusses a mobile app user experience report by ArcTouch that “finds enterprise mobile apps are ‘functional but unfriendly’

Oxford University researchers estimate that 35% of jobs in the UK could be replaced by automation in “Robots March on ‘Safe’ Jobs of Middle Class

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