Appdiff Launches First AI-Powered Mobile Testing Platform

Appdiff uses intelligent bots to automatically identify issues in mobile apps — no coding or manual testing required
3 min readSep 14, 2016


SUNNYVALE, CA (September 14, 2016) — Today, Appdiff launches the first artificial intelligence-powered mobile app testing product. Appdiff’s intelligent bots exhaustively analyze every screen, element and flow in a mobile app while measuring performance and tracking the user experience. Classic approaches to testing suffer from slow release velocity and high overhead, but Appdiff provides immediate value by completing tests just minutes after building a new version of an app. Mobile app teams powered by Appdiff shrink release cycles from days to minutes while increasing test coverage.

“Existing performance tools can be really heavy, and you need someone with a lot of experience or expertise to provide meaningful analysis,” said Kenneth Toley, director of product quality engineering at “Appdiff is an intuitive product that surfaces problems and presents easy to understand views of data that teams can use right away.”

Until now, testing was a bottleneck for agile app development teams. Appdiff makes test automation accessible to testers, developers, and product managers — without the need to configure anything. Companies transform how they manage their review and release cycles through:

  • Alerts about changes between versions;
  • Performance measurements across a multitude of test conditions;
  • Visual inspection of the entire user experience;
  • Integration with existing issue tracking and continuous integration systems.

“Our business is our mobile apps. When the competition is only a tap away, app quality is our highest priority,” said Steve Miller, chief architect at Glympse. “Appdiff gives us insights into performance and UX issues within 30 minutes of getting a new version of an app. It’s like magic.”

Concur,, and Glympse are amongst the pilot customers that have been working with Appdiff to automate more of their test and release processes. Jason Arbon and Justin Liu founded Appdiff in 2015 to make testing fast and simple for enterprises by applying unique market and technology insights to the problem.

“We both worked at leading mobile and testing companies, and wondered why mobile testing was still so manual and ad hoc,” said Jason Arbon, co-founder and CEO of Appdiff. “Our insight was to create software that automatically does 80% of the heavy lifting, and let humans concentrate on the more interesting work.”

“Every company that develops software needs to test it, yet people still test the same way they did in 1996 — with people tapping buttons,” said Andy McLoughlin, partner at SoftTech VC. “Appdiff’s bots automatically get smarter over time as they test more apps, so each new customer benefits from the insights gleaned from existing customers.”

Appdiff also announced that it has raised a $2.5 million round of financing led by SoftTech VC and Zetta Venture Partners with participation from other firms and angels. The investment will support the continued expansion of Appdiff’s engineering and data science team.

About Appdiff

Appdiff delivers completely automated user interface and performance analysis for mobile apps. Appdiff was founded in 2015 to help agile, lean, and continuous engineering teams speed up release velocity and improve quality. With experience in mobile, machine learning, testing, and analytics, Appdiff’s mission is to solve the software quality problem. For more details, visit or follow Appdiff on Twitter @appdiff.

