10 Tips to Fire Up your Mobile App Marketing in 2018

Appedus Editorial Team
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2017


Firing up your mobile app marketing in 2018 can be an awesome idea. We have created this list of 10 ideas that you can include in your mobile app marketing plan.

1. Value Added Content: That’s important to your ideal users and create it consistently. Your content will help you get found, educate, and build trust with your audience. If your app theme allows you to create actionable content like tips, tricks, idea cards etc then do so by all means.

2. Social Media Presence that Engages: Provide your ideal users with information and content they can’t resist. What’s important and relevant to them as it relates to your app? Think of it and translate that into engaging tweets, posts or Insta posts.

3. Marketing focused, lead conversion website: A landing page or a website that helps your app get found, build trust, educates, informs, nurtures, and converts your ideal app users to actual users. The design of the landing page will matter a lot. We highly recommend running an A/B test to determine the best possible layout for your app landing page.

4. Targeted keyword list: Creating a targeted list of keywords that your potential users may use to find an app just like yours. You will use your keywords to optimize your content and your website to help your app get found in online searches.

5. You must identify your ideal app user: Create a user persona sheet and start classifying the likes and likes of your ideal users. This will help you think and see the way your ideal app users go about discovering content on the web. Once a persona sheet is ready then you can plan your marketing campaign with ease.

6. You must identify the vision for your app: What is the vision of your app? Do you want more engaged users? What is that one thing that you want your app users to do effortlessly? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you define a clear vision for your mobile app.

7. Identify your core message: What is the message of your app? Is it to find the best restaurant or the most qualified doctor? It’s important to understand the core message of your app so that you can focus your tech and marketing resources to get that message across to the end users.

8: Implement the right mobile app analytics tool: In today’s time and age data should be the cornerstone of all your mobile app marketing, technology, or design initiative. But that is only possible if you implement the right mobile app analytics tools. We know how important it is and have done a deep research on the top 5 tools for mobile app analytics.

9. Prepare your press kit and app launch material: Having a ready kit of your app logos, app screens, app description and a cover letter will save a lot of time when you have to submit your app for reviews. There are tons of sites and resources available to get your app reviews or covered in the press. A simple google search can through up a list of sites that you can approach.

10: Update your app store description and images: Don’t think that app store images and app description is just a onetime job. Apple and Google app store allows you to change the description and images. Make the best use of it. Play around with some new keywords or upload some catchy images to improvise your app store rankings.

Apart from implementing these tips, you should also organize your entire mobile app marketing plan. Tim Fitzpatrick from Rialto Mobile recently wrote this great piece on How to Keep Your Mobile App Marketing Incredibly Organized. Hope this helps you in firing up your mobile app marketing in 2018.

Good luck with your venture!

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Originally published at appedus.com on December 29, 2017.



Appedus Editorial Team
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www.appedus.com is a mobile app ecosystem focused digital magazine. We publish actionable information about the mobile app ecosystem.