Type 3 of Functional AI — Theory of Mind AI

Roshni Lokare
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2021

Theory of mind AI is widely seen in artificial emotional intelligence, soon it will also be used in other branches of AI.

As we have seen in the previous articles, the first 2 types of AI are already in implementation. Theory of mind is the third type of AI and the next level of AI systems which is in the innovation stage. This type of AI interacts with the thoughts and emotions of humans. This AI basically will focus on individuals whose minds can be shaped by multiple factors, like understanding humans. Theory of mind AI will have a better understanding of the entities they interact with, by understanding their needs, thought processes, emotions and beliefs. ‘Understanding ‘is the main concept related to the Theory of Mind. It may deal with various aspects like behaviour, emotions, human nature and feelings and much more. This is considered as one of the critical technological developments that sort peoples emotions, sentiments and thoughts.

The researchers are trying to make machines that can understand humans better and learn from various factors that influence their thinking process. We can see an emotionally intelligent robot interacting with humans, to give a real conversation feeling. This is the focus of the Theory of Mind AI. This will make the machines capable to make decisions similar to humans. The will have a huge impact and study on the human behaviour to develop the accurate machine as per human moods.

We will note some of the emotional Artificial Intelligence Startups already working for a better understanding.

Betterhalf.ai is India’s first of its kind “true compatibility” partner search product that uses Artificial Intelligence for professionals to find each other through true compatibility scores; based on multiple personality dimensions and couples’ interactions on the product.

Cogito enhances the emotional intelligence of phone professionals by applying behavioural science through artificial intelligence and machine

Entropik Technology

Turning emotions into actionable insights, we help them optimize brand experience journeys and solve real business problems across industries.


It is a leader in computer vision and emotion AI that empowers companies to create remarkable customer experiences that drive growth.

Cen Inc. is an early-stage deep tech digital human-AI company, intending to develop a cloud platform for direct communication technology, towards a new media of visuals empowering crowdsourced human intelligence.

