Type 4 of Functional AI — Self Aware AI

Roshni Lokare
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2021

Self Aware AI will be the upcoming AI system for the new future growth.

Self Aware AI is the last stage of AI that is only in hypothesis. These are the stories that exist in our imagination, where we can think of innovative ideas. This will prove the ultimate objective of all AI research. As the name itself suggests self-aware AI is meant to be equal to a human brain that is developed by self-awareness. It is going to be considered as an Independent Intelligent system as it will be capable of representing itself. Unlike the Theory of mind which is only able to understand emotions, self-aware will be able to understand and feel the emotions, needs, desires, beliefs of its own. They will make inferences like “I am very angry as he pushed me”. There is also a threat that if this AI in place, there might be the end of humanity and we will be ruled by the technology totally. It will easily take over the intellect of any human being and plan by itself. However, it might even go hand in hand with humans. It is unpredictable.

In other words “self-awareness” is also known as consciousness. Conscious minds are very precise and aware of themselves, internal states and others feelings. This is also co-related to the theory of mind concept, we can say, self Aware is one step forward.

It is going to be by far the crucial process to start with self Aware AI. It may take decades or even centuries to bring self-aware AI systems to life. It is very hard to predict the future accurately at present. We will have to follow basic steps in order to create machines that are self-aware. We have to initially focus on our efforts towards understanding memory, learning and the ability to base decisions on past experiences. This will help to understand human intelligence on its own.

We can see this AI usually portrayed in AI movies. For example, AI robots having the ability to think are destroying humans. These types of ideas are from self-aware AI. some of the great techies like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking are warning us that the evolution of AI may lead to the self-aware phase.

At present, we have not developed this type of sophisticated AI as we yet don’t have any hardware or algorithms to support it.

