6 Key Tips for Efficient and Successful Enterprise Software Development Process

Marc Coll
Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2019

What does a great, streamlined process for custom software development look like? This is a question that enterprises often ask themselves. It’s natural that a great software product results from a well-organized and methodical process. Hence, it becomes necessary to do a little digging into what an ideal enterprise software development process should look like. If you are like most organizations, who want to save time and money, then you must have hired software development services from a custom software development company.

By collaborating with a trusted custom software development company for your project, you’ve already set out on the right path. Now what comes next is the part where the actual software development takes place. We’ll take a look here at some key tips that allow a custom enterprise software development process to be efficient and eventually successful.

1. Remembering the Key Phases of Software Development

The software development process is divided into roughly six phases: requirements planning and analysis, system design, system development or coding, testing and quality assurance, deployment, and maintenance. There are various software development models that you can adopt that will determine how you go through each of these phases. Waterfall model, agile development, V model, rapid application development model, etc are just some popular examples of these models.

For a software development process to proceed properly, deciding on a software development model that’s right for your project is quite crucial. You can discuss this with the company whose custom software development services you are leveraging. Depending on your specific project needs, they’ll be able to recommend a model that’s most suitable for you.

2. Knowing What’s Feasible and What Isn’t

From the get-go, there should be clarity about what is feasible to achieve for your enterprise software project and what isn’t. There are certain ideas that can be easily accommodated into your project, and then there could be certain ideas that you need to let go of for a number of reasons, like budget restrictions.

For a software development process to remain productive and on track, it needs to be focused on the things that are important, relevant, and feasible. So start with a set of reasonable expectations around which the project should revolve.

3. Remembering the Key Qualities of Enterprise Software

An enterprise software entails some key attributes that act as criteria of success for the software. You need to keep these software attributes in mind as you go through with the development process of your enterprise software project. The qualities include performance, flexibility, scalability, security, and ease of integration.

Is your software able to perform well no matter what the scenario is? Is there a room for upgrades or changes in the features of the software? Will the software be easy to scale up as your enterprise grows? Does the software assure security? Will the software be easy to integrate into the existing technology setup of your enterprise? These are some questions that you need to keep asking throughout the process to make sure that you are headed in the right direction.

4. Having a Way to Monitor and Measure Progress

Progress monitoring and measuring are important at every step of the software building. There has to be a way that clearly indicates the real progress that the project has been making. If you’re working with a software development company, you can talk to them about the system that they have in place for tracking project progress.

As you work with the company to track the progress, you need to make sure that you both are on the same page when it comes to defining progress. Marking a goal as completed and moving towards the next one should mean the same thing for you as well as for your software development company. It’s only when both have a shared understanding of the software development progress, can the development process run smoothly.

5. Being Mindful of the Things Put on the Back-burner

Because software development is a long process, new thoughts will keep cropping up now and again. Some of these ideas you’ll put into effect immediately, and some of these you’ll put on the back-burner. Similarly, there could also be certain tasks on your to-do list that you may keep delaying, thinking that you’ll take care of them later.

At any point in time, you need to be aware of the ideas and tasks that are on the back-burner or on your to-do list. There might be something important in here that demands your urgent attention. There might also be some things in here that are no longer as important as you once thought they were and can be removed from consideration. Keep your to-do list updated with actionable ideas, and do remember to act on these ideas in time.

6. Keeping a Clear Mind for Making Decisions Quickly

You will have several decisions to make throughout the course of your enterprise software development. From choosing between different technology frameworks or platforms to determining how you want a feature to be implemented, your opinions and decisions will matter at every step. The more time you take in making a decision, the more delay you will end up causing in the development process.

To keep the software development services running smoothly, you need to be able to decide quickly whenever the need arises. Keep your priorities straight and your choices simple. While you certainly don’t want to hurry through making decisions, you also don’t want to cause an overlong hold-up in the development process.


Every enterprise software project is unique. Hence, what would make it successful will also be unique. But the above tips are something that will come in handy in making any enterprise software project successful. Given that the enterprise software building process could be lengthy and complex, these tips would surely help bring in simplicity and efficiency to the process.

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Originally published at www.appfutura.com by Cyber Infrastructure.



Marc Coll

I am Marc from the AppFutura Team. I work with app development companies worldwide and with people looking to hire the best developers for their project.