E-Commerce Web Solutions: It’s Time You Upgrade to Custom E-Commerce Website

Marc Coll
Published in
5 min readDec 21, 2018

A vast majority of businesses are opting for E-Commerce web application solutions. Owing to the increasing competition in the online market, a business’ E-Commerce store should be able to offer outstanding user experience to its customers.

Customizing your E-Commerce store can prove to be the biggest boon in increasing sales and winning customers.

Web presence- be it an E-commerce site or mobile app plays an important role in achieving success for the brand and service.

An aesthetically appealing and optimally functioning E-Commerce web application is capable of taking up the lead to hook up viewers and convert them into potential customers.

Opting for custom E-commerce solutions is the best approach to make your web presence more interactive and promising.

Integrating user-friendly designs, explicit fonts, digital personalization of business goals, clickable format etc. can help in attaining designated business goals.

A Stanford study revealed- “46 percent of users judged a site’s credibility on looks alone, especially ‘the appeal of the overall visual design including layout, typography, font size, and color schemes.”

Just like an individual’s first impression matters, the same goes for your website as well.

A Microsoft research study shows that users take only 10 seconds to decide whether or not they want to invest more time on a site.

So, hiring an E-commerce Mobile App Development Company to create custom e-commerce web application is a viable decision.

First, let’s understand why templates are a thing of the past.

Bad shopping experience

The templates are not able to give an optimal shopping experience to your customers which is a major drawback.

Dull, boring look-alike appearance

Further, these templates fail to give a unique look to your website. The other web stores could be using the same template which can make your store look generic. With templates design, you will not be able to custom tailor your web store.

Suffered functionality

There are times when templates have been coded poorly, resulting in slower load times, bad SEO and contain lots of superfluous elements that hurt user experience and aren’t easy to remove.

This is why custom E-Commerce solutions are preferred over template stores.

Hiring a trusted E-Commerce mobile app development company is the best way to upgrade your store or create a new one.

But first, let us understand why your competitors are opting for custom E-commerce mobile app development.

Mobile-friendly website

Shopping trends are changing quickly. With advancements in technology, people can now rate their experience with the site and post a review as well. Also, people make price comparisons of different sites and search engines have turned way smarter to offer more relevant results.

Moreover, people want a mobile-friendly E-Commerce site. Nobody wants to open their laptop and search for articles. A mobile responsive website adjusts to the device’s screen. Research says Google rankings improve when you have a mobile-friendly site.

Search engine ranking

Whosoever runs an online business is very well aware that SEO is an important aspect for the success of an E-Commerce business. It helps drive traffic to your website that results in more and more conversions.

The online shoppers usually search before they land on an E-Commerce store. If you want maximum customers to drop at your store, there is a great need of integrating robust SEO features which is possible in a custom E-Commerce site.

Customizable products- A major attraction

Yes, you hear it right! The customers are fascinated by customizable products. But, this is best possible when you have a custom E-Commerce site.

With this, you can offer customized T-shirts allowing the user to personalize the dimensions, fonts, colors, and images. As the user adds customized features, the price value also keeps on adding. This is what benefits you as a business owner. The product customization allows you to raise the overall order value.

Promo Codes

Discount coupons have always attracted customers- be it an online customer or offline. But, it is important that a web site’s functionality supports coupon codes. The coupon code application is not as easy as it may sound. It is a bit tricky. Here’s why.

There has to be a limitation on how many times a coupon code can be used, for which items a coupon code can be applied. Whether the coupon code can be clubbed with other discount vouchers.

Improve customer relationship

A custom e-commerce website is known for its functioning. It allows you to gather information such as what interests’ customers, buying preferences, their product likings and more. All this information can be used to offer a great experience to the customers. It will directly have a positive impact on sales conversion.

Integration with back-end software

There is a great need for integration with other systems and it is very common for E-Commerce websites. For the custom E-commerce solutions, integrating with back-end can be fairly easy and straightforward.

Tracking the order availability and updating the system is very important because then only you can give the correct information to your customers.

Security is a factor

The key is to be smarter than the hackers. The protection of the important information from the hackers is a major concern. Theft can ruin a company causing financial loss. It is crucial for every E-Commerce business to take security seriously.

The custom solutions make your web store more secure and manageable. Also, seeking help from a professional E-Commerce app development company is the right way to keep control of website security.

Payment gateway integration

It is the most important part of your online store. A glitch in the payment process can lose an earned customer. So, it has to be as simple as possible with quick turnaround time. Integrate a payment gateway that functions optimally.

When choosing a payment gateway, choose one that ensures seamless and easy transactions for your customers. Also, it should comply with quality standards and policies. The web store should offer secure transactions, fraud prevention, and data security.

By now you must have understood the importance of custom E-Commerce store for your online site. In business, it is always important to simplify the user experience as much as we can.

With custom E-commerce application solutions, you can offer an enriched experience to your customers which in turn benefits your business on a wider scale.

Find more top mobile app developers worldwide on AppFutura.

Originally published at www.appfutura.com by Softprodigy.



Marc Coll

I am Marc from the AppFutura Team. I work with app development companies worldwide and with people looking to hire the best developers for their project.