Futuristic Mobile App Technologies Spinning Businesses’ Growth-Wheel in 2019

Gerard Escaich
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2019

2018 proved to be the year of the next big things in the domain of technology. All those tech innovations fast became an integral part of all walks of our lives. All these technology inventions are spinning on growth-wheel to be the next-big-technology-thing in 2019. Thanks to the evolution of apps compatible with smartphones. Therefore, it is high time you to hire top mobile app development companies already making these technology innovations the spine of mobile apps for the future.

21stcentury businesses are largely dependent on mobile apps for growth. It is because a competent mobile app easily puts your business in the hands of your existing customers and target market and spin it on growth-wheel. Another reason for you to hire top mobile app developers in India is mobile apps’ ability to make your customer base feel like a part of your business/business family.

The best advice to act upon:

You need to be argus-eyed for it. Only then you will be able to accomplish this vital business mission. In simple words, keep your eyes fixed on tech-advancements in the domain of mobile application development trends. Devise your business growth strategy and incorporate these trends in it and make your business climb the growth ladder.

Technology advancements to rule business growth in 2019:

The list of such technological innovations and inventions is shooting-up every day. Therefore, you need to hire top mobile app development companies held in high esteem globally for having this next-generation of technology incorporated in their mobile app development practices.

This list of next-generation of technologies to help grow business in 2019 includes but is definitely not limited to the following:

Blockchain Technology:

This digital ledger is an innovate concept in the domain of technology. It has gone on to become the king of technologies in no time. Thanks to its skyrocketing popularity! Considering the potential it offers, the application and effects of Blockchain are now being explored in all walks of life.

Gone are the days when you could make it the least priority ingredient of your strategy for business growth. It is because you now have many solid reasons to hire mobile app developers in India familiar with it.

Here is the list of some convincing reasons for you:

  • The rise of DApps/Blockchain based mobile apps. Some names include App.co and DAppstore.link
  • Rapidly increasing development and popularity of Blockchain based social media mobile apps. The list includes names like:
  • Steemit
  • Indorse
  • OnGSocial
  • Obsidian Messenger
  • Nexus
  • Synereo
  • Users do not have to bother about getting their personal information and data related to their activities shared or sacrificed. It is because these Blockchain based social media mobile apps put users on the driving seat. Users get full control of information related to them and their activities on social media.

Meaning, users can interact with your business/brand/services or products on these decentralized social media mobile applications without having to bother about the security of their personal information.

This should help you understand why Blockchain Technology is important for growing business in 2019 with relevant compatible mobile apps.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Technology is getting smart every day. Thanks to the rise of concepts like intelligent technology. Meaning, machines are now able to learn about you, your customers, their behavior and needs to act accordingly. Modern-day machines learning with artificial intelligence are already making their presence felt in education, e-commerce, healthcare, content creation industries. This technology for next-generation has now reached the next level. Thanks to the invention of the following concepts:

  • Text Analytics & NLP (Natural Language Processing)
  • DLP (Deep Leaning Platforms)
  • MLP (Machine learning Platforms)
  • NLP (Natural Language Generation)
  • AI-optimized hardware
  • Robotic process automation
  • Emotion recognition
  • Image recognition’
  • Marketing automation
  • Biometric identification
  • Virtual Agents
  • Speech recognition

All of these concepts are now innovating the practices related to the development of mobile apps. Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, Microsoft’s Cortana are some of the best examples of it. Therefore, it is now time for you to hire top mobile app developers in India familiar with these technology advents in the domain of artificial intelligence.

Incorporation if AI technology and relevant advancements in your mobile app will help you take your customers’ interaction with your business/brands/services and products to a whole new level.


This is also one of the best and highly advanced mobile app development trends to follow in 2019 to move your business’s growth wheel forward. The potential of chatbots is now being explored in every industry. From Education, e-commerce, social media to the banking industry, chatbots are proving their potential to perfection. Integration of chatbots with mobile apps has taken CSR (Customer Satisfaction Rate), and LCR (Lead Conversion Rate) to a new high in no time. It is because chatbots are smart and intuitive enough to understand and solve the queries of customers easily. Nina, Swedbank’s chatbots are the best example of it. Nina is capable of answering 75% of questions by customers in the first place. Nina easily answers almost 30,000 queries a day. If needed, she has the capability to pass complex calls to c staff members also.


2018 was the year of AR/VR technology. This technology has revolutionized the way videos are watched. Even Facebook, the world’s largest network of social media users, conducted several events and conferences that showcased AR/VR technology.

This advanced form of technology is capable of making your customer’ experience with your brand/services and products more interactive. Meaning, they can check the product from every single angle on their smartphone. This is why most of the top mobile app development companies in India and the world are investing their money and wealth of time in this domain of technology. This investment is likely to touch the milestone of $209 million by 2022, says a Dotcominfoway report in this regard.

ON-Demand Delivery mobile apps

App world is going to change like never before. Combined with next-generation technology concepts like hyperlocal, chatbots, AI, live tracking and many more, the trend of on-demand delivery for business growth and customers’ satisfaction is likely to reach a new high in 2019. Therefore, you need to realize the value of a robust mobile app to grow your business and take your customer satisfaction rate to a new high.

Coming to the point, technology is getting better and smart like never before. The invention of the concepts discussed above proves exactly that. But it is now your time to incorporate these technological advancements and inventions in your business strategy. It is because Blockchain, chatbots, artificial intelligence, AR/VR and on-demand delivery apps will determine the level of success/failure your business will witness in 2019 and year to come. We are here to help you make the most of these technology innovations and advancements to get your business running fast on growth-wheel.

We are a group of the top mobile app developers in India for a reason! Let’s get connected and show you why?

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Originally published at www.appfutura.com by Softprodigy Solutions.



Gerard Escaich
Editor for

Content and Account Manager at AppFutura. Writing and editing all content published on the directory for worldwide IT Companeis and Marketing Agencies.