How to Use Neural Networks For Your Business

Appfutura Editor staff
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2018

Umbrella Web has published a new blog post on our App developers blog called How to Use Neural Networks For Your Business

Neural networks are expected to be the very systems that will be able to surpass people’s perception one day. Web and mobile app development company Umbrella’s experience has shown that among other pros, neural networks have a particular advantage that can be applied to different industries due to the challenges they solve.

Many smart companies have already been successfully putting the neural network algorithms into work: Google uses them to provide more accurate recommendations on YouTube, Microsoft powers up its machine translation service, and Facebook utilizes deep neural networks to recognize faces of its users. It may seem that neural networks are for big tech players only, but that’s not true: a company doesn’t have to be Google-sized to interpret and act on visual data.

Quite recently, Umbrella developed a project that is able to recognize text and convert it into a readable form. This app is called “Text Detection App” and it consists of two neural networks: Vision and Tesseract. Vision is a framework that performs different functions such as identifying objeсts, facial features and, most significantly, texts. At first, Vision recognizes characters and their location; then, with the aid of a camera’s viewfinder, it masks them with colored rectangles: blue rectangles are letters, red ones are words.

Text Detection also uses a third-party approach through third-party open source Tesseract. This is a very well-known service that has the ability to recognize more than 100 languages out of the box. In the app, a frame from a camera buffer is uploaded to Tesseract, which then recognizes the text on the image. You can see the result of its work on the screen down below:

This project is only a minor example of what neural networks are capable of. Umbrella has selected the most efficient and productive applications of neural networks in business.


Image recognition and Text Detection-like apps have the potential to revolutionize entire industries as they already doein healthcare. For example, IBM already uses image recognition technology for medical images analysis. This analysis helps doctors diagnose cases faster, and with higher accuracy. is working on image recognition product DuLight, which is aimed at helping visually impaired people. The app captures their surroundings, processes the pictures, and narrates the images descriptions to the users.


Neural networks are able to analyze data and find data patterns that a human could not. This capability is especially useful for the financial sector, not only for financial institutions, but also for clients. Constantly evolving, neural networks learned to understand anomalies in data patterns that differ from typical or historical transactions. Timely anomaly identification can prevent data breaches, find malware entry points, predict externals attacks and find vulnerabilities in an organization’s perimeter.

For example, SAS, one of the first innovators in the field of machine learning, uses neural networks to collect customer behavior data from various sources. SAS analyzes the data looking for patterns and irregularities every time a user conducts a transaction. All these actions enhance fraud prevention.


Nowadays, commoditization of technologies occur way more often. As the competitive pressure rises, information technologies become more standardized. How can you attract customers to your e-commerce business? There is a solution — give each of your customers a personalized experience through neural networks.

That’s exactly what Nara Logics does. With the help of neural networks, Nara Logic gathers customer data, defines their preferences, and creates the link between what consumers want and what companies have to offer. This is a qualitatively new level of personalized and accurate recommendation service.

Machine learning models with neural network algorithms help discover complex usage patterns, provide better search results, reach the right customers via smart targeting, identify unsatisfied customers, and prevent the churn.


Umbrella could continue to describe the benefits of neural networks, but the best way to really experience it is to try it by yourself.

Crystal is an AI-based proprietary personality detection technology. It analyzes a person’s public data and gives an insight into how a person is, how you can expect them to behave, and what your prospective relationship will be like. Сheck the results Umbrella got when their teammates had logged in:

Along with that, Crystal makes an assessment of the user’s personality and creates a graph that highlights the dominant archetypes.

Want neural networks app to boost your business? Contact Umbrella right now!

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