What Are the Steps to Develop an Android App

Gerard Escaich
Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2019

The mobile application market shows dynamic growth — this trend is relevant around the globe. A significant segment is occupied by games. However, business applications do not stay behind and they too show positive dynamics.

Already in the next two or three years, it will be possible to say with certainty that each company will be represented on the Internet not only by the site but will also acquire its own mobile applications — everything to get more traffic and profits. If you do not want to miss the opportunity and be among the first in the business race, then plan to develop an app. And act Now!

Why Android

Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world. It is installed on about 86% of all devices. As it is open source, it can be installed and used on almost any device.

Users like its customization features. Actually, you can change almost any component of the system. Moreover, you will not need an expensive device to use the Android application. So, when you think of mobile app development services, we will help businesses get millions of possible customers.

What will you need?

Even today, when contacting the Android development company, you meet a variety of opportunities. A team of professionals will offer you not only the ability to develop a custom app with a set of unique functions but also choose a management methodology.

The traditional cascade approach is being replaced by the energy-intensive and economically viable SCRUM model. In choosing an Android app developer, be guided by expertise, portfolio, and experience in your specific needs, the availability of project managers and QA teams (as application testing takes most of the development time), as well as legal arrangements — the latter will guarantee your safety.

After a brief review into the team, let’s talk about the classification of applications:

  • Native — written in programming languages that target only a device on the Android platform. This allows them to quickly install and work easily, fully interact with the technical capabilities of the device and not depend on the Internet connection. The creation of a native application comes at a higher price, and therefore is considered a forward-thinking strategic step.
  • Cross-platform — an application that is created to work on several mobile platforms. The cross-platform development tools use HTML5 and third-party programming languages, and the code is compiled into the native application for each platform. Cross-platform development is suitable for non-custom projects and can be efficient and less expensive to complete.
  • entertainment (games, image processing, audio, and video players)
  • assistants (search for information, weather applications, etc.)
  • social networks
  • i-commerce (option to purchase through applications)
  • B2B applications (internal control systems and organization of processes within the company)

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, ways of monetization and conversion potential. In order to make the right choice, first, contact a business analyst and technical expert who will audit and give you some recommendations. From the general picture, we move on to the process of creating an application and the team that participates in it.

Steps to develop an Android application

Our Android development company prefers the SCRUM method which allows implementing the project not sequentially (stage after stage with long reconciliations and modifications for a separate fee), but flexibly — different tasks are performed simultaneously, which allow assembling the product ready for launch quickly and for a pre-agreed price. The development is divided into three stages. All the other work is performed simultaneously.

Stage 1: Projecting

  • Drawing up a technical assignment for Android app development. For template solutions, this stage passes quickly, and for something unique, it may take a bit more time. If you plan to further monetize the application, then invite the business analyst to monitor market proposals, as well as promotion specialists — the right advertising will quickly and effectively attract the attention to your audience.
  • UX development includes user behavior scenarios, application navigation schemes, and functionality. The usability expert will promptly give you recommendations — it is much easier to tell what you need in your application than to repeatedly rework the structure.
  • Application core development: navigation elements, lists, buttons, which will be supplemented by the main code.
  • Design development.

Team: project manager, UX specialist, designer.

Stage 2: Core Function

  • Development of the basic application functionality, i.e. why the application is created, what problems it will solve. In this case, it is important to build on the suggestions of competitors and look at the best examples in the field.
  • Development of the server part and API where information is stored and most often processed + testing.
  • Training how to use the server part.
  • Implementation of design.

Team: project manager, designer, Android app developer, server-side developer and API, QA-specialist.

Stage 3: Delivery of the project + preparation for a launch

  • Finalizing the content copy (sometimes you may need a copywriter).
  • Testing. This stage can take a long time — only after finding and correcting all the failures, can you release the application.
  • Bug fix — the latest technical improvements.
  • Delivery of the project to the client.
  • Placing apps on Google Play is a major part of the promotion. Dedicated specialists give the requirements (keys to writing the texts, placements, etc.). The Play Store tests the app and it becomes available to a wide audience. If this application is for internal communication (B2B), then this work stage can be skipped.

Team: project manager, Android app developer, API and server-side developer, QA-specialist.

Development duration time: 60 to 90 days.

The Android app development is a clearly structured process, however, only experienced developers provide the system work.

  • On average, it takes about 350 hours to develop an app on Android. 20% of all work is used for the QA (testing), the remaining 80% includes the development, design, etc.
  • If the application includes server support and API integration, the time period increases on average by a month or two.


Contact our Android App development company and we will calculate the price. It will depend on many factors.

The most important thing in the application development is not advertising and not even a unique trading application. The main thing is an Android Development Company that you trust your idea with and who will finalize and implement the idea qualitatively. What is needed for that?

  • choose a qualified team
  • complete a brief with all wishes
  • conduct a business audit of existing applications on the market (your competitors)
  • agree on the terms of reference, terms, and budget
  • give regular feedback

Find more top mobile app developers worldwide on AppFutura.

Originally published at www.appfutura.com by Cyber Infrastructure.



Gerard Escaich
Editor for

Content and Account Manager at AppFutura. Writing and editing all content published on the directory for worldwide IT Companeis and Marketing Agencies.