Huawei AGC Reports 📈— Verified Bitrise Step

Fernando Prieto
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2021


The second Huawei Verified Step has just been released allowing developers to obtain analysis data about their published app in AppGallery. This includes report data such as download and installation, in-app purchases, and paid download.

About the new release 0.9.0 🎉

This first release includes customizable data about:

  • Download and Installation Report: this allows users to get detailed insights into the selected app such as: installs, number of total downloads, break it down by country/region, and more.
  • In-app Payment Report: this can be used to get a report on in-app payments, filtered by date, country, and/or currency.
  • Paid Download Report: if the selected app is a paid-only one, then tracking the revenue it drives by each new app version and understanding how new features/version impact revenue, will genuinely be relevant reasons to use this report.
  • Installation Failure Data Report: this allows users with apps in production to better understanding installation failures of each new app version, filtering for specific device type.

In some cases it’s possible to select between various report formats (excel file and csv).

Before using this Step ⚠️

The user must ensure that an API client has been created. To do that, as in the Deploy to Huawei AppGallery Step, the user must head to Users and Permissions->API key -> Connect API -> API client and then click on the button Create, set Project to N/A to define the API client as a team-level one.

Note: if this step is not completed, the Bitrise Step won’t work.

Original Huawei asset

A common issue is finding users who have skipped the API Client cration and they get error code 3 during the Step use.

Adding the Step into a Workflow ⛓

This time it’s needed to add an additional Step into the Bitrise Workflow:

  1. The first one will be:

There are some parameters required to set up before the Step gets to work:

  • App ID -The identifier that can be found in the App information section in App Gallery Connect.
  • Client ID -The identifier generated in AppGallery Connect -> Users and permissions -> API key -> Connect API -> API client
  • Key -Key Secret generated in AppGallery Connect -> Users and permissions -> API key -> Connect API -> API client

And depending on the selected reports, it will be necessary to fill out some filters, such as: date, currency, file, format, etc.

2. The second Step will be:

The official File Downloader Bitrise Step allows the user to download a single report, selecting the output URL already generated in the previous Step. Optionally it’s possible to add this Step into the workflow as many times as the number of selected reports (to download every type of report, it will be necessary to add four File Downloader Steps, assigning an output URL to each one).

The below example shows the details of a simple flow where the required parameters to download the reports are included. It’s been simplified, therefore it does not contain any Step that would be used in a normal scenario, where the app gets build, signed, etc. And there’s only one report selected in this example: the Download and Installation Report.

Representation of the above snippet

As soon as the build successfully finishes, the report will be available in APPS & ARTIFACTS tab:

What’s Next 🗺

The next versions will include more customizable parameters allowing the user to get even more specific results. These new releases will rely on the AGC API updates, which will unlock more options in the Step.

References 🗂

