AWS CodePipeline — Alexa Skill Deployment Pipeline

Prashant Bhatasana
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2021

In this article, we are talking about how to create an Alexa skill deployment pipeline.

In my previous article, we discussed How we can create a CI/CD Pipeline for the Serverless application.

We already discussed what is CodePipeline and Codebuild in the previous article so let’s not jump into that and start creating our pipeline.

Let’s Create our pipeline for Alexa skill deployment.

In this tutorial, We will create and configure an Alexa skill deployment pipeline with two actions: source and Build.


  • Click on Create Pipeline
  • Pipeline name: Enter the name for your pipeline.
  • Click the Next step.

Source provider: AWS CodeCommit

We will be using AWS CodeCommit but you can use GitHub, Amazon S3 as well as Bitbucket.

  • Source provider: Choose the AWS CodeCommit as a Source Provider.
  • Repository name: Choose the name of your AWS CodeCommit repository.
  • Branch name: Choose the name of the branch that contains the sample file.
  • Click the Next step.

Build provider: AWS CodeBuild

We will be using AWS CodeBuild but you can use the Jenkins Open source build tool also.

  • Build provider: Choose the AWS CodeBuild as a Build Provider.
  • Click Create Project.

It will open a new screen to create CodeBuild Project.


There are 4 steps in CodeBuild Project.

  1. Project Configuration
  • Project Name: Enter the name of your pipeline
  • Description: Enter the Description for your pipeline

2. Environment

  • Environment image: Choose the Managed image.
  • Operating system: Choose the Ubuntu OS.
  • Privileged: Unchecked.
  • Service role: Choose to Create a new Role.
  • Role name: Enter the name for your Service Role.

3. Buildspec

  • Build specifications: Choose Insert build commands
  • Click on Switch to editor.
  • Enter belove code in Code Editor.

4. Logs

  • CloudWatch: Choose CloudWatch logs.
  • Click on Continue to CodePipeline.

Deploy provider

  • Click the Skip deploy stage.
  • Review our Pipeline.
  • Click on Create Pipeline.

🎊 🎉🤖🎊 🎉 Our AWS CodePipeline for the Alexa skill deployment is ready now.

Once Pipeline runs Successfully It will deploy cloud formation stack you our Alexa skill deployment.

After this, you can integrate CodePipeline notification with Slack also.

Please follow this article to create AWS Chatbot that connects with your Slack account.

Once AWS Chatbot is ready Goto your Created CodePipeline project.

  • Click on Notify.
  • Click on Create Notification Rule.
  • Notification name: Enter the name of the notification rule.
  • Detail type: Choose Full Detail type.
  • Events that trigger notifications: Select events.


  • Choose target type: Choose AWS Chatbot(Slack)
  • Choose target: Choose arn:aws:chatbot of your created AWS Chatbot.
  • Click Submit.

🎊 🎉🤖🎊 🎉 Our AWS CodePipeline notification was successfully configured.

Thank you for reading, if you have anything to add please send a response or add a note!



Prashant Bhatasana

AWS Community Builder | AWS Certified | Terraform Associate | DevOps Engineer, Love to work with #AWS #Terraform #Jenkins #Kubernetes #Docker #Ansible #Selenium