Simple web-site recipe

Oleg Kurnosov
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2017
AppGrill — grill apps like a Pro!

One doesn’t have to pay anyone to create a simple web-site in 21st century. It’s as easy as creating any document nowadays.


1 domain name

sample here is actually custom web dev shop that we’ve founded over 10 yrs ago, so I am a pro cook

3–4 sentences as description of the main message (shorter is better)

sample main message of web-site

10+ items as samples of previous orders / work / portfolio

samples of previous orders

3–5 types of contact info (phone, address, email, facebook, twitter, instagram)

contact info

1 call to action + 1/2 of secondary call to action for those who isn’t convinced (secondary is optional)

main call to action

3–4 featured items (optional)

featured items

2–3 testimonials (optional, note that it’s easier to actually gather this through social networks)

testimonial, reviews

3–5 internal pages (optional) that will basically be containing some of the ingredients about, e.g. Map to address, more About info, more sample items, more testimonials, more photos if you’d like to, there is no standard

sample internal pages list


  1. Start early and register a domain name even while thinking how your web-site should be served. Fast food lovers use godaddy, dnsimple. Also recommend .co domain zone for silicon valley community registered at Nic for .ru domains :)
  2. Write main message for your audience that is eating your content. Is it teenagers, business or family? Blend in the call to action then — phone number, email, or link to order. Have this text ready when needed.
  3. Generally people also like to look through menu sort of before they do the main call to action. Even though you have probably put the best meal in front. So prep 10+ images & 10+ descriptions of what you’ve done in past (or what you can do). Have this content ready when needed.
  4. Prepare all optional content from above too — but don’t store all this content in text editor — actually go create a FB page already. This is the main secret sauce of this recipe! As content stored for future web-site that will appear in month or later — will actually be working for you already! Also do setup redirect to this FB page using already.
  5. Use any generator like sitefly or ukit to actually generate site already with no special cook help! You have to understand that it is that simple! (Just don’t forget to point your domain to newly generated web-site).

One doesn’t have to pay anyone to create a simple web-site in 21st century. It’s as easy as creating any document nowadays. Don’t store content for web-site in text editor — actually go create a FB page already, content SHOULD be working for you already. GRILL FAST!

If you’re looking for custom web-site development — definitely contact software shops that are our there, for example the Flatstack show where first 20 hours of work is free!

Follow AppGrill publications as I’ll continue explaining basics in next posts here. Like & re-post to motivate me do it faster :)



Oleg Kurnosov

rubyonrails, ios, android apps. legal(ru) & financial(ru) consultant.@flatstack, @launchpad (ru), Happy Dad of 2.