Key Worksheets for Successful Mobile App Development Outsourcing

Altaf Hussain Sayyed
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2024
Photo by The CEO Kid on Unsplash

For a client who needs to outsource mobile app development, it’s crucial to provide tools that help them effectively communicate their requirements, track progress, and ensure that the project stays on track. Here are some suggested worksheets tailored for such clients. We utilize these worksheets and advocate for other IT companies to adopt similar formats for their clients.:

  1. Project Brief Worksheet:
    — Provide a structured template for the client to outline the project scope, objectives, and target audience.
    — Include sections for defining key features, functionality, and any specific design preferences.
    — Allow space for the client to describe their business goals and how the app will support them.

Download Free Project Brief Worksheet here!

2. Feature Specification Worksheet:
— Guide the client through the process of detailing each feature of the app.
— Include prompts to describe the purpose of each feature, user interactions, and any technical requirements.
— Provide space for the client to prioritize features and indicate their importance for the project.

Download Free Project Brief Worksheet here!

3. Design Mockup Feedback Worksheet:
— Offer a structured format for the client to provide feedback on design mockups and prototypes.
— Include sections for the client to comment on layout, colors, typography, and overall aesthetics.
— Provide space for the client to suggest revisions or improvements.

Download Free Project Brief Worksheet here!

4. Technical Requirements Worksheet:
— Help the client specify any technical requirements or constraints for the project.
— Include sections for platforms (iOS, Android), supported devices, compatibility requirements, and any integrations with existing systems.
— Provide prompts for security considerations, scalability needs, and performance expectations.

Download Free Project Brief Worksheet here!

5. Project Timeline and Milestones Worksheet:
— Offer a timeline template where the client can outline key milestones and deadlines for the project.
— Include space for the development team to provide estimated timeframes for each phase of development.
— Allow the client to track progress and ensure that the project stays on schedule.

Download Free Project Brief Worksheet here!

6. Budget and Resource Allocation Planner:
— Help the client estimate the budget required for the project by breaking down costs for design, development, testing, deployment, and ongoing maintenance.
— Provide space for the client to allocate resources and prioritize spending based on project requirements.

Download Free Project Brief Worksheet here!

7. Communication Plan Worksheet:
— Guide the client in defining communication protocols and channels for the project.
— Include sections for scheduling regular check-ins, setting up status update meetings, and providing access to project management tools.
— Allow the client to specify key contacts and roles within their organization.

Download Free Project Brief Worksheet here!

8. Acceptance Criteria Checklist:
— Provide a checklist for the client to define acceptance criteria for the app.
— Include criteria for functionality, performance, usability, and compatibility.
— Allow the client to sign off on each criterion once it has been met to their satisfaction.

Download Free Project Brief Worksheet here!

These worksheets empower the client to effectively communicate their needs and expectations to the development team, track progress throughout the project lifecycle, and ensure that the final app meets their requirements.

This article is authored by Altaf Hussain Sayyed, the founder and director of Nimetler Technologies Private Limited , an IT Services and Consulting services company based in Mumbai, India. At Nimetler Technologies Private Limited, we provide experienced offshore IT professionals and ensure a minimum of 50% savings in costs and 100% reduction in administrative tasks.



Altaf Hussain Sayyed

Director at Nimetler Technologies Private Limited and Software Projects Outsourcing Consultant