Dynamic content for documents and emails with Weaver

Today we showcase using one of Weaver’s silver bullets when it comes to document design— dynamic rendering

Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2020


Weaver is our 100% native document design & generation tool for Salesforce. With Weaver you can design beautiful templates, weave documents on the fly, & fully automate your document and email workflow.

ALL 100% NATIVE — nothing leaves the platform.

Today we’re going to showcase one of the key features of Weaver — dynamic rendering. With dynamic rendering you can have any part of your document, whether it’s text, images, tables, even reports, rendered based on your data in Salesforce.

Why Dynamic Rendering?

Nowadays customers expect an extremely high level of personable and customized communication that’s tailored to their interests or preferences.

Using dynamic content is one way that you can ensure the documents or emails you send are personalized based on the specific customer they are sent to.

Using Weaver to create dynamically rendering cover pages based on customer vertical

In Salesforce you have a huge amount of data at your fingertips so you should utilize it as much as possible to keep your customers engaged.

Dynamic Content in Weaver

In Weaver, adding dynamic content is easy! Every single part of your design can be dynamically rendered based on Salesforce data. Text, images, tables, reports — you name it, it can be rendered dynamically.

From the Weaver Designer, when you click on any element you will be able to select the “Render Criteria” for that element.

Set Render Criteria on any part of your designs in Weaver

You could have images change based on the type of customer you’re sending an email to, or maybe change the Terms & Conditions for your invoice when it’s a partner vs a customer!

Creating dynamic business cards in Weaver

Increase Engagement & Save Time

Think about all the templates your company uses today. How many of these are the same template with a few sentences altered or a slightly different T&C section?

A familiar sight for many Salesforce Admins

Using dynamic content also allows you to have a huge amount of variation of the same core template — and it saves you a lot of time internally.

Rather than letting your Salesforce Admin set up hundreds of different documents & emails to cater for small changes they could be focusing on just a handful of template with dynamic content.

Try Weaver for 30 days — for free!

Want to try out using dynamic content with Weaver for yourself?

You can try Weaver for free for 30 days with zero commitment, and even after your trial you can use Weaver for up to 2 templates for free indefinitely!

Not only do we have an in-depth set of documentation and a bunch of example documents to get you started, but we also have a step-by-step “Getting Started” guide that will take you through designing your first document in Weaver.

If you have any feedback for Weaver we’d love to hear it, and if you have any questions around Weaver please do get in touch.

Try Weaver today and see just how easy it is to design bespoke documents and emails for your customers!

At Appitek, our aim is to help make your job easier, by creating simple but effective Salesforce applications that make you more efficient at what you do.

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Multidisciplinary full stack developer, with a history in product & digital design. CTO at Appitek Ltd.