How to launch an NFT marketplace immediately?

Anand G
Appkodes Solution
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2022

NFT marketplaces are gaining popularity so fast and NFT trades have skyrocketed to billions of dollars in recent times. Celebrities, creators, and designers have entered the NFT marketplace to showcase their skills and get proper validation for their digital assets. This has piqued the curiosity of investors in this rapidly growing market. This may make you wonder what are NFTs and why are they famed? Let us get it explained.

Non Fungible tokens are the unique cryptographic tokens stored on the blockchain that can be sold and traded. These tokens are nothing but the digital version of real-world items like art, video, music, etc.

People are always fascinated by collecting products, let it be art, designs, or music. But, they are in constant fear of what if the product is not unique. Thus, the NFTs have come as a solution for this uncertainty. It provides them the complete ownership of the digital assets.

I hope you would have understood what are NFTs. Now, let us see how NFTs provide ownership to real-world assets.

NFT Standards

NFT standards describe how to develop Non Fungible Tokens on a blockchain network. Ethereum is the widely used blockchain network for NFTs. ERC-721, the first NFT standard was developed in 2018. Tokenization is the method of converting physical or digital assets into irreplaceable data units that can be traded. NFTs contain all the ownership information and details about transfer history among token holders. The creators can tokenize their assets with the help of a proper token creation service.
The tokens on Ethereum are designed to allow the deployment of smart contracts. One of the most recent standards in the Ethereum network is ERC-1155. The ERC-1155 has a multi-token capacity and can do the functions of ERC-20 and ERC-721 at the same time.

At this point, you may ask what happens after tokenization and where to trade these tokens?
To answer these questions, you need to know about the NFT marketplace.

NFT marketplace

The NFTs cannot be traded like cryptocurrencies as they are non-fungible. So, there needs to be a separate place to trade and sell the unique digital assets, where they can be displayed as well. This place is known as the NFT marketplace. The creator displays their work and the interested collector buys or bids on them to become the proud owner. You can either mint your NFT and sell it or trade an NFT which exists already.

With the functions of the NFT marketplace being known, now we can see the advantages of launching your own NFT marketplace.

What are the benefits of developing an NFT marketplace?

The Merge, a single artwork that has made $91.8 million is the most expensive NFT till now. This may give you a hint about why many blockchain enthusiasts are keen on developing an NFT marketplace. These NFT marketplaces are booming platforms and yield a huge profit in a short period.
It has much more advantages in addition to the high revenue benefits. They are as follows.

  • It is fully decentralized and the transactions are carried out with help of smart contracts.
  • The built-in security measures of an NFT marketplace protect it from hacking.
  • It allows faster transactions
  • The transparency let users see all the transactions happening on it.
  • Anyone can buy or sell on an NFT marketplace in a simple way.
  • There is no place for market manipulation.

Let us now get down to the important features of an NFT marketplace to make the most of it.

The prime features of a successful NFT marketplace

To develop a robust NFT marketplace, it is vital to focus on the features which will provide smooth transactions to the users.

1. Front-end Display

A well-organized front-end display is the primary feature of an NFT marketplace. It should provide systematic information of every digital asset such as price history, bids, etc.

2. Token Listing

This feature will showcase all the digital assets in an orderly fashion. The users can submit their files to the listing by minting.

3. Crypto wallet integration

The crypto wallets are the important feature that supports the user to buy, sell, and store an NFT. It is essential to provide your users with an integrated crypto wallet for their convenience. Creating a wallet from scratch is tedious work. Hence, it is wise to think about integrating a wallet service. List down all the most preferred wallets and add them to your NFT marketplace. This will facilitate the users to find all the required features in one place.

4. Ratings

The ratings let the users decide on their purchases. The customer can view all the details about the seller. Users can leave reviews on their trading experience to help new users.

5. Advanced token search

The NFT marketplace must have an advanced token search feature to let the customers find their needed tokens immediately. This helps in customer satisfaction.

6. Filters

This feature allows the user to narrow down the tokens to their choice. With too many NFTs on the storefront, filters help the users in finding their favorite NFTs.

7. Option to buy, sell and bid in an auction

An NFT marketplace should let users mint, sell or trade their NFTs. The bidding feature allows the users to put their NFT for auction. The interested users can place bids on the token. The highest bidder wins the NFT at the end of the auction.

8. Listing status

The status of the listing shows the NFT details like how many people are bidding on it, its price, etc.

With all these details about how an NFT marketplace should be, you would have come to the conclusion that building up an NFT marketplace will be an exhausting process. Of course, it will be a time-consuming process if you develop it from scratch. But, there is a smart way to launch your own NFT marketplace instantly by choosing NFT marketplace clone scripts.

What is an NFT marketplace clone script?

An NFT marketplace clone script is a readymade solution that includes all key features and technologies to launch an NFT marketplace immediately. The clone script comes in handy with all the attractive features of popular NFT marketplaces like Opensea, Axie, Rarible, etc. So, you can pick the clone script model of your choice and develop your own NFT marketplace instantly. Some of the popular clone scripts are OpenSea clone Script, Rarible clone script, Crypto punks clone script, SuperRare clone script, Axie Infinity clone script, NBA Top Shots clone script, and Foundation clone script.

Final Thoughts

It’s always best to choose the top NFT marketplace development company to build your feature-rich NFT marketplace without wasting time and money. They can customize the NFT marketplace development solution to your business needs and help you launch it on the blockchain network at once. Hence, go for a complete NFT marketplace development solution and step into the crypto competition right away.



Anand G
Appkodes Solution

I love everything visual, from photography to graphic design and special effects. I have been writing for a few years. And I specialise in creating content.