Things You Need To Know To Build An App Like Instagram in 2022

Anand G
Appkodes Solution
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2022
Build an App like Instagram in 2022

As you may have already known, coronavirus-related lockdowns and social distancing made people spend more time on social media platforms. Since lockdown, Instagram became the most used app by people across the globe for their entertainment needs. Although this app is considered normally as a photo-sharing app, it is also used as a messenger app, photo-editing and video sharing platform, and as an ecommerce portal.

So, Instagram will see an upsurge in its growth in the coming years too with people worldwide showing keen interest in utilizing the app for various business and entertainment purposes. So, as an entrepreneur, you might have thought of developing your own app like Instagram. But to set foot in this competitive sector you need to know some significant Instagram updates in 2022, disadvantages in this app that are essential to know for developing a similar app, and how can you build your own app like Instagram within your budget

So, without any further delay, let’s dig deep into the topics.

Pitfalls of Instagram

As said in the previous section Instagram has millions of users and uncountable photos are shared every day on this app. People are making use of this app for both their business and entertainment purposes. You may think that such an app with high popularity and this much scale of operation is absolutely perfect but the truth is that there are also some disadvantages in this app. Let us see those now and the ways to overcome them

Minimal conversions

Instagram’s conversion rate is only 3% which is very much lower when compared to Whatsapp or Facebook. Also, there is only limited availability for tracking analytics and metrics on the app. To overcome this, the analytics part can be added to the photo-sharing application to build it from the business point of view

Ownership of the content

It is a well-known fact that users will not have sole rights to their content on Instagram, whether it may be the videos or pictures that they post for global users to view and share. Sharing the content is beneficial for businesses but it also has copyright issues. To avoid these shortcomings, while building your social media app, you can include a feature to restrict the use of the content without permission

Disturbing advertisements

With certain algorithms, Instagram organizes all photos in the news feed however the advertising algorithms fail to show relevant advertisements for the users. Also, the advertising posts in larger numbers are annoying users to a greater extent. Another main drawback is that the users will not be able to view posts in sequence in the news feed. The Instagram algorithm scans only the user’s activities and likes to display the potentially interesting content

Security issues

In addition to all the above-mentioned challenges, it has been believed that hackers have scraped personal information from millions of Instagram accounts earlier in 2016. Therefore, security is also a bigger concern with this app which needs to be focused on while developing an app like Instagram for your business.

Instagram updates in 2022

You may now have gained enough insight into some important challenges faced by Instagram. But, to develop your own similar social media app, you also need to get acquainted with some vital features of Instagram that are going to make a strong impact in people’s minds in 2022. So, let’s delve into those updates.

New Instagram feeds

Users will be able to see new feed types from which they can choose the desirable one. The ‘Following’ feed type will be a chronological list of accounts that the users are following. So, with this feed type, there will be no prioritized pages and algorithms and users will see posts in chronological order.

Also, there will be a ’Favorite feed’ which will include content from curated account lists. So, users can select the accounts from which they don’t want to miss any posts or updates.

Enhancements in live scheduling feature

Instagram will see some improvements in the way how users schedule and build up their live videos. Scheduled lives will appear as badges on the profile page of creators below their bio and so will have more visibility than ever before. Users can click on those badges in order to subscribe for live reminders if needed.

Updates in messengers and profile embed

Instagram has added some new features recently to its direct messages. Some of those unique, hidden gems in the messaging section are polls, custom emoji reactions, animated message effects, etc. Also, for many years, users are able to embed a video or post from the Instagram profiles into their websites. Now, users can embed a mini version of their profile on their sites without using any third-party tools.

Brand personalities

Gone are the days when Instagram was used only for sharing striking pictures but now it is all set to make a big impact on conversion and community. Therefore, creators and brands can now improve their brand personalities by bringing their voices to captions, getting creative for reels, etc with which they can enhance engagement and reinforce their bonds with their followers.

Creator-led commerce

Instagram rolls out a native creator affiliate program that can provide remarkable monetary incentives for influencers to sell products and services on behalf of brands. The introduction of Affiliate revenue will remove the requirement for complex contracts and agreements which will eventually make the influencer to market and for everyone to be involved in it easily.

Start building an app like Instagram for your business

After knowing these trends in Instagram you should come out of the thought that the app is not just a photo-sharing platform. Therefore, to beat this immersive communication and engagement platform, you need to come up with a unique strategy to stay top of the fierce competition

For that, you need to consider including some key functions in your social media app such as

  • Option to upload the content seamlessly
  • Highly advanced filters for editing photos
  • Instant notifications
  • Facebook places API or Google maps to enhance user experience
  • Engaging feed section
  • Signing up and signing in to the app through social media accounts

To develop your own app like Instagram, you should also follow some key steps like

  • Market analysis
  • Defining app requirements
  • Approaching renowned app developing team
  • Keep upgrading the app as required

As said above it is a must to approach a well-known app development company to get a readymade and robust Instagram clone script to build your social media app within a short span of time. So, get ready to succeed in your entertainment business venture by getting a best-in-class Instagram clone script with unrivaled performance and building a visually appealing social media app like Instagram.



Anand G
Appkodes Solution

I love everything visual, from photography to graphic design and special effects. I have been writing for a few years. And I specialise in creating content.