Final Presentation

Christian Grewell
applab 2.0
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2019
Photo by Teemu Paananen on Unsplash


For your group’s final presentation, you’ll be presenting to a panel of judges / experts representing different points-of-view, business, technical and marketing.


  • No more than 5 minutes.
  • You may use any software you’d like to create the presentation.
  • You must demonstrate your prototype (think creatively)

You must answer the following questions:

What is the problem or opportunity, who does it affect, when and why? This should be immediately apparent to your audience as a real problem that affects a group of people. For example, say the visible problem is scooter drivers hitting pedestrians on the sidewalk in front of the Academic Building. This affects pedestrians and scooter drivers alike. The real problem is likely a combination of poor or lax regulations, bad city planning and an over-worked, over-stretched labor-force. Answering why this happens will help your audience to empathize with your thought process, they’ll believe that you did your research.

What source of innovation will change how people solve the problem today? What source of innovation might change how people solve this problem today? In our scooter example, perhaps you correctly (I believe!) state that take-out delivery drivers are under pressure to deliver quickly to large offices, and they rush about and crash into pedestrians. People solve this problem by being hyper-vigilant whenever they’re on the street, and delivery drivers solve it by beeping their horns, wearing colored vests, etc…Now, what new innovation will change how people solve this problem?

What is the feature you built to try and solve it? What was the feature you built to try and solve the problem. Show and tell. This is also a good place to state your assumptions from the prior exercise.

Why did you choose to build this feature? Tell the audience why you choose to build this feature, what other options did you consider and why? This would be a good place to show your paper prototype if it’s helpful.

What would this look like as a product? The last slide should be an overview of what your feature would look like as a product. Have a few members complete a startup canvas on LeanStack:


Both are products!



Christian Grewell
applab 2.0

Hi! My name is Christian Grewell, I grew up in Portland, Oregon playing music, programming video games, building computers and drinking coffee. I live in China.