A clean desk is a LIE!!!

2 min readAug 13, 2017


My desk after this weekend and I’m OK with it! Don’t judge. It serves it’s purpose to hold all my crap!


Can anyone take another story about a being a creative and always showing how perfect your, theirs or anyone's life is? I can’t. Stop living the lie. We as creatives and if your truly creative…your life is in constant chaos…nothing is ever clean and that, yes folks includes your desk!

I have spent the entire weekend scanning film and editing it from the negative state and converting it to a positive…so yes my desk is not clean.. well it’s messier than usual. But the point being is my desk is never clean!

Stop promoting a lie that you/we have to be neat and tidy every little minute of your life/day. Live a little, have fun and don’t be so damn OCD…I used to be and it only gave me troubles. Walk away and leave the mess…it’s going to be there when you get back and if there is more there than before you left, you have a problem of an entirely different kind

The things you see in stories with clean desks. Those are always staged for a story to sell the article and pull you into the lifestyle of being a neat freak that has to constantly obsess over every little thing…you don’t!

But a little chaos is good in your life to balance out the need for perfection or what ever you want to call it.

So get out, walk away and live a little and don’t stress about the small stuff. Leave your desk alone…it isn’t going anywhere and who the hell sees it but you!




Simple Guy living life in my 2nd half of the show. Lover of life, family and friends. Photos, Film Making, Drones and Writing! Child of the 80’s!