A mail which was not supposed to be mailed, But turned out to be the best one..
Hi! We are aspiring writers. We are a group of three called framers (That is our group name J). You might be knowing the usual story i.e we wanted to pursue filmmaking but ended up in some different field. But we basically are movie junkies wherein cinema holds an integral part of our heart. The backbone of our group (Framers) is to plant and provide concepts which are unusual, unique, eye-openers and that people from our society generally refrain to accept. For instance, last night the framers came up with a frame portraying the:
This story basically depicts a character who talks about the positive aspects of death to her confidants. And instead of stopping her from thinking about this idea , they ponder about the basic stigma of that and they discuss about reincarnation. They also believe mortals are immortals.(UNIVERSAL LAW: ENERGY CAN NEITHER BE CREATED NOR BE DESTROYED,IT GET TRANSFORMED FROM ONE FORM TO ANOTHER.) #BEING A “LONER”#
This concept points out the aloofness faced by a person on a general basis now a days. You might adapt a storyline from a person staying alone in an apartment. The only audience to his ongoing emotion is HE /HIMSELF. #THE ORIGINALS ARE FADING# This is now a serious problem. * CAUTION*.
Here we are referring to human species those are getting extinct. We mean to say the people who are raw and genuine but are shifting their base to pretentious sector. We are not overdoing our character (carefree, adventurous) but we are getting there. Example : going to a karaoke and singing “TUM TOH THERE PARDESI”.
We are self- confessed, wedding crashers, image assassinators (can make anyone go from 100 to a 0 and do the reversal when required).You know those people who are overdressed and can give lady gaga run out of her wardrobe .So we aren’t sure that our perspective towards life is right or theirs because in their language we are retards. And we love staying that way.
And in conclusion, we would like to mention that we are pregnant from birth(inseminated with ideas) and want to raise this child and want the perfect parents for him.
P.S. We know that the email should have been regarding the shakespeare’s play but came across the post really late. Lastly the biggest and the latest retard act of our’s is still having hopes that we will be selected or atleast be considered.