Captain America: Civil War Review

Anthony "No Middle Name" Mai
Published in
7 min readMay 10, 2016

Had the chance to check out Captain America: Civil War this weekend, a very good film. I do believe that the title adapted from the critically acclaimed graphic novel written by Mark Millar, did not suit it. I felt that an adaption of Civil War could’ve have been saved for another movie, but we’ll get back to that topic later.

Towards the beginning of the movie, Captain America, Falcon, Wanda Maximoff, & Black Widow is on a mission to stop Crossbones (Brock Rumlow from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, he was disfigured from the previous movie when helicarrier crashes onto Triskelion) and his mercenaries from stealing a biological weapon in Lagos, Nigeria. Crossbones battles Captain America, loses, then tries to self-destruct to take Cap with him, but before he could explode, Wanda intercepts with her powers, and tries to levitate Crossbones above ground. The bomb detonates in midair next to a tall building, causing it to collapse and kill many Wakandans. To be honest, I’d love to see Crossbones explore as the main villain, killing him off in ten minutes was wasteful of the character.

Crossbones from Captain America: Civil War

After the explosion, U.S. secretary of state Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross (General Ross also appeared in The Incredible Hulk and had a cameo in Iron Man, played by the same actor) arrived at the Avengers headquarters to inform the team that United Nations are about to pass the Sokovia Accords which will establish them to oversee and control the Avengers.

The team is divided as Tony Stark believes they should be oversee, feeling responsible for the creation of Ultron and what happened in Sokovia. While Steve Rogers has more faith in himself and his friends rather than the government.

During the team’s discussion, Steve Rogers receives a message that Peggy Carter had died and he heads out to her funeral and learns that Agent 13 from the previous movie is actually her niece, Sharon Carter. In the comics Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter are love interest, so it was nice to see the movie touch up on this somewhat.

At the conference in Vienna where the accords are being ratified, a bomb explodes, killing King T’Chaka of Wakanda. Security footages reveal that Bucky Barnes also known as the Winter Soldier was present, assuming he is the bomber. T’Challa, son of King T’Chaka vows to kill the Winter Soldier.

Sharon Carter who now works for the CIA tips off Steve Rogers about Bucky Barnes’ whereabouts. Rogers want to bring him in alone, he and Sam Wilson, tracks Bucky to his hide out in Bucharest and attempt to protect him from authorities and T’Challa, who is revealed to be the Black Panther. A fight ensues and they are all apprehended. Black Panther’s first appearance on the silver screen was very well done, I love how his movements are actually very much alike of a cat. Chadwick Boseman does the character justice as I am very much anticipating the Black Panther movie.

Black Panther from Captain America: Civil War

Helmut Zemo tracks down the Winter Soldier’s old handler from Hydra and steals a book that contains trigger words that activates Bucky Barnes’ Brainwashing. Infiltrating the facility where he is being held as a psychiatrist, Zemo recites the words to make Bucky Barnes obey him. Bucky Barnes now becoming the Winter Soldier, goes on a rampage to cover his escape. Steve Rogers stops him and sneaks him away. When Bucky regains his consciences back, he tells them that Zemo was behind the bombing and that he is headed to Hydra’s base in Siberian where there were other Winter Soldiers like himself but are kept in cryogenic stasis.

Helmut Zemo in the comics (image above) but he doesn’t don his purple mask in Captain America: Civil war

Captain America couldn’t wait for authorization to go after Zemo, he goes rogue with Sam Wilson, they recruit, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, and Scott Lang trying to stop Zemo. While Tony Stark is given 36 hours to bring Steve Rogers in or the government will step in. Iron Man assembles a team consisting of James Rhodes, Natasha Romanoff, T’Challa, Vision, and Spider-Man. Spider-Man now back into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, though Sony still owns the film rights. Tom Hollands as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, I was very impressed with this younger version. The previous incarnation of the character from The Amazing Spider-Man of Sony was too cocky and arrogant far from the beloved character I grew up to know. So, very much, looking forward to Spider-Man: Homecoming. Team Cap vs Team Iron Man, this fight takes place at Leipzig/Halle Airport, the battle ends with War Machine being shot down accidentally by Vision and Captain America and Bucky Barnes escape with the help of Black Widow.

Spider-Man from Captain America: Civil War

After discovering evidence that Bucky Barnes was framed, realizing that he was wrong, and that Zemo was behind everything. Tony Stark follows them to the Hydra base in Siberia with Sam Wilson’s tip, T’Challa also follows behind. Steve and Bucky arrived to find all the other Winter Soldiers dead, killed by Zemo, discovering Helmut Zemo is actually Sokovian and wants to punish the Avengers for his family’s death. Zemo reveals to Iron Man a video of Bucky Barnes assassinating his parents back in 1991, he goes berserk a fight between Captain American & the Winter Soldier versus Iron Man takes place. With Stever Rogers disabling Tony Stark’s suit, leaving his shield behind.

The aftermath is Steve Rogers sends a letter with a burner cellphone letting Tony Stark know that if he ever needed, Captain America would be at his assistance, and he rescues his team after. Honestly, I thought the ending was poorly done, after all that, sent a letter, and that’s it? I mean what was the point of the Sokovia Accords, if this whole time, Zemo could have just used the Winter Soldier to divide them. Oh wait, that’s exactly what he did.

Captain America: Civil War pays homage to Civil War

What I didn’t like: Villains, what I also don’t like about Marvel movies is why are the villains so expendable. To me, they’re just not that memorable. They cast such great actors but so little to do. Tony Stark, talk about mood swings, Tony went from feeling guilty about the casualties in Avengers: Age of Ultron to using methods like having Vision watch over Wanda Maximoff like a prisoner to having a childish punchlines aimed at Steve Rogers like punching him in his perfect teeth to forming a team of superheroes and convincing Spider-Man to take on Team Cap no matter what Captain America, then realizing he was wrong and trying to help them out in the end but to witness a video that reveals his parents’ death and losing his cool that quickly and aimming to kill Bucky Barnes, fighting both Bucky and Steve with the intention to kill, ripping off the Winter Soldier’s metal arm, and after he lost, he tells Captain America that he doesn’t deserve the sheild. To me, after all tose movies, I would think Tony Stark would develop somewhat but still arrogant and annoying than ever. T’Challa, I like the Black Panther but his motives were kind of blah. So after King T’Chaka got murdered, T’Challa vows to avenge his father and kill Bucky. But after finding out Zemo was the real murderer, he feels bad and pitys Zemo. Really? C’mon. Story, as I stated before it didn’t need to adapt Civil War graphic novel, clearly not a civil war, so if Zemo wanted to, he could’ve have used the Winter Soldier for them to fight as that did happen, such a waste of a great story that could’ve been used for another time. I feel like for everyone’s stories or motives, it took most of the movie to established it and justify their reasoning, but towards the end, everyone has a change of heart fairly quick.

What I did like: Three things I like, doesn’t need much explaining. (1) Spider-Man (2) Black Panther (3) Captain America, I mean it is his movie after all.

I prefer a more darker tone and seriousness, not everyone likes a movie that cracks a lot of jokes, that is my kind of film. So, honestly it comes down to what type of movies you prefer. Overall, great film, I’d give it a score of 8.0/10.0********



Anthony "No Middle Name" Mai

Level: God of Destruction, artist, I collect stuff, Batman fanatic, comic book enthusiast, movie lover, & self-proclaimed film critic 🦇📚🎥🎞🖊✏️