Chasing Butterflies with Someone else’s Net

John Henry Soto
3 min readMar 9, 2018


How many epiphanies can one man have before finally getting comfortable with not giving a shit about epiphanies? Well, apparently a lot! I for one have had more AH HA moments than I can count but it’s always lead me to the next AH HA moment. But I guess that’s part of living a life of purpose and always having to readjust your big boy pants and keep moving. Purpose! I’m not really sure how someone goes through life without purpose but believe me, it happens. I know this to be a fact because it seems to keep happening to me! I’m not saying I don’t have a purpose but I seem to get sidetracked by someone else’s purpose and when I’ve finally had enough, I get the AH HA moment which has become quite famous in my home. I run around the house yelling, “AH HA!! I GOT IT!!” My wife just looks at me now and says, “You said that before and I always agree with you so why don’t you just keep doing that!”

Well, last week I had another one! Ok Ok!! I’m sorry but this time it’s different! I swear! This time I’m remembering it clearly and documenting it here in this blog so the world can read it and call me out on it next time I try to bring to fruition someone else’s dreams. Now don’t get me wrong, I want to help others find their way but not at the expense of my happiness or the risk of losing opportunities. Those lost opportunities are also people I could’ve helped and didn’t because I was chasing butterflies with someone else’s net.

This is my advice. Wake up in the morning and think about the one thing you would want to do that day. Now don’t get cute and say sleep or coffee. Really think about it and find out what’s the one thing that you would love to do more than anything else. When you find what it is, write it down on a piece of paper and stare at it. Really look at it. What will you feel? Are you in pain by it or happy because it’s what you’re getting ready to spend your day doing? It’s at this moment when you will either make the biggest decision in your life or just put it aside and make excuses because you have bills to pay. The hard fact is that most people won’t even write it down. The thought alone is painful enough. All I can say is that you’re heading towards a life of pain and struggle if you don’t at least take a look at it. You don’t have to radically change your life (although it might be a good idea) but you can start making a plan to move towards your goal and passion. Save the piece of paper and work on it. Find people who do what you want to do and ask them for help. You’d be surprised how many are willing to help. I know I would be flattered if I were asked to help someone find a life living and working in their passion. I hope the best for all of you. JHS

