Emmitt Otterton Has Some Explaining To Do

Scarlette Pike
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2016

By now we have all seen Zootopia. An advanced animalistic world has a Utopia-type city (get it? Zoo-topia.. They thought long and hard about that one…) where the underdog Judy Hopps looks to prove her worth as the first bunny cop. The show is adorable, the characters are developed and funny and the best part is my 2 year-old will sit through the ENTIRE show without stirring.

You have my heart once again, Disney!

But we need to talk about Emmitt Otterton. It is never discussed how he has this second life full of naked yoga and crime bosses!

My first issue I have with the fuzzy deceiver is he is portrayed like this…

Does he LOOK like he has a second life? The sweater is ridiculously innocent and stereotypical of a young florist dad. It sets an unrealistic expectation for me..

Next, the character with all the street cred “Nick Wilde” knew EXACTLY where Otterton went regularly. Otterton gets a popsicle and heads over to…?

The Mystic Spring Oasis.

And as you remember, it is a naturalist club where all these “naked” animals play volleyball, give back rubs and do nude yoga.

So Emmitt Otterton has been doing naked yoga with this nudist elephant for EIGHT YEARS.. Mmmk? So maybe this is some quirky habit of his and his sweet little wife…

…accepts his little weird habit and loves him anyway.

That is just so sweet, guys..


She doesn’t know that he is practically family with the biggest crime boss in the city.

How do I know this? Because her husband goes missing and who does she go to for help?

The Police… In fact she pushes to talk to the chief, begging for his help, and never goes to Mr. Big. If you are part of THE most powerful family in the city, don’t you go to them first? Isn’t that the number one cinematic rule?? If you’re friends with the Godfather you don’t go to the fuzz…??

Last point. Emmitt Otterton was involved with, or aware of, the fat, ram, poison guy early on.

Because after he attacks poor, weird Mr. Manchas he is screaming about “the night howlers”! And what is his profession? He’s a florist. He knew about the midnicampum holicithias making animals go savage and he was on his way to tell Mr. Big about it — NOT the police. Mr. Otterton sees something illegal going on and he goes to the crime boss. Mrs. Otterton sees something illegal going on and she goes to the police.

Does it sound like a couple on the same page? Come clean, Emmitt.

Come clean!!

