Rogue One: The Future of Star Wars

Tho Carrion
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2016


Images courtesy of Lucasfilms

If there is one thing about movie opinions that I’m consistent with, it’s that I believe slapping Star Wars on something will make it an instant success. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will put this theory to the test. This isn’t your typical Star Wars movie, and it isn’t going to host the usual elements that accompany such titles.

By that I mean it doesn’t center around the Force , the Jedi or any of the Skywalkers. Also contrary to the belief of many it has nothing to do with the elite X-Wing group Rogue Squadron. No, this is a movie about espionage and wartime tactics. This movie is going to show the more brutal side of the war against the Empire. We’re going to see the people that made taking the Death Star down a possibility.

Why is this so important for Star Wars movies? Because if this movie becomes a massive success it will open the path for more Star Wars related movies to come to theaters. Rogue One could be the beginning of the new Star Wars Expanded Universe. That is any movie that isn’t centered around the Skywalker family. This might sound like a contradiction because George Lucas said that Star Wars was the tale of Anakin Skywalker. Of course this was before Star Wars had become it’s own universe with hundreds of stories.

So now we have a new opportunity to get more movies taking place in one of the most loved fictional universes. Just imagine if an Old Republic movie about the Mandalorian Wars were to come out. Or, and my money is on this one, a Boba Fett movie. If you thought people got hyped about the Deadpool movie, you’d hear twice as much about a Boba Fett one.

This is what makes this movie important, it is the deciding factor for whether or not Star Wars spin off movies will be worth making. If it fails to make a suitable profit then it could be a while before another Star Wars movie is made. But if it this movie breaks the bank we might be looking at an influx of new movies set in the Star Wars universe, and that’s just fine by me.

