Gena Vazquez
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2015


Traces of the Cold War still linger as the US has engaged in an uncomfortable dance with Russia in recent years. Americans still type cast Russian characters as villains. While most find that amusing, the harsh reality of escalating tension between Russia and the United States may continue and perhaps lead to another Cold War that, ironically, the once-actor-turned-President Ronald Reagan worked so hard to end.

What do these brewing tensions mean for the entertainment industry? Russia is one of the top ten film and TV content buyers in the world. In five years, Russia has doubled its theater screens, and reports revenue of over a billion dollars annually from box office receipts. American films and TV have consistently remained a favorite among the people of Russia. The Russians proved this to me just last week as I sat in a bar at the airport in Moscow waiting for a connecting flight. Dozens of Russians laughed and swooned as they watched, Music & Lyrics starring our favorite Hollywood darlings, Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore.

Although Russia hasn’t a foreign picture release quota in place like China has, the Russian government may change that soon. In fact, recently, Russian Film Director, Yuri Kara suggested banning American content altogether until the sanctions against the US are lifted. Patriotism may win over entertainment in this match.

Russia craves American content. If demands are not met, Russian theaters may shut down immediately, and piracy would continue to skyrocket. If Hollywood does not get the Russian entertainment industry on its side, Hollywood may take a historical hit on revenue. — Gena Vazquez



Gena Vazquez

Silicon Valley to Hollywood and Wall St. in between.