The way we will view movies in the near future

Gary Fabian
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2016

I was looking through my old notebook from college and found what I had scribbled in a notebook back in 2013 about the future of cinema. These are those notes, from a very sleep deprived 22-year-old AAU student.

Visual Information is the new form of communication, movies will be reshaped by the growing trends in communication.

The limits of our Biological senses are what drive change, we will need to evolve in order to keep up with the demands.

Movies are essentially a victorian era gimmick, and they have managed to survive this long because of their influence on culture. As technology continues to progress the art of cinema will go through radical transformations challenging the current definition of what a movie is.

They may no longer be products geared towards entertaining the masses, They will be more about consciousness, learning, interacting and socializing.

As humans we have a need for narratives in our lives, movies will still provide that in a less restricted way than they are currently.

The shape of the screen will continue to change and eventually movies will bypass the need for a screen altogether.

Sound Production will continue to become more interactive and will evolve as well.

Film is an old god and he’s dead.

Digital on the other hand still hasn’t come to close to the rich experience of film, some would argue about this for philosophical reasons. I support the use of both film and digital and think the combination of both is the optimal way to tell a story.

The restrictions of the X and the Y-axis in movies are fading away, ever since the 3-D trend, shots tend to be mindful of the Z-axis. VR is also on the Horizon.

FPS will soon be less and less relevant.

I don’t remember writing these notes but I'm glad I did because it’s made me pay attention to certain ideas again.

Follow me on twitter: @berryfabian

