Mitch Eiven
Published in
1 min readMay 30, 2016


This is a thought provoking article, especially for movie geeks like myself. I agree with your analysis, but also have a slightly different perspective. I’m not so sure the US trailer was bad editing nor am I totally convinced it was the product of marketing madness. I think it was an intentional cinematic hedge. I don’t think it worked very well, but it may have achieved its visual objective.

US moviegoers represent a slice of a divided demographic. Part of the country is angry, terrified, disenchanted, profoundly serious and borderline paranoid. They can take a little, intentionally politically incorrect comedy, but just a little. They much prefer shit hitting the fan, dark, somewhat emotionally warped, victimized misery. They disdain pop culture, yet choose to actively consume it (as long as it feeds the beast).

Another segment of the population, the cooler heads will prevail demographic, would enjoy a slightly dark comedy with a touch of slapstick, an unexplainable Melissa McCarthy full split and a retro nod to Dan Akroyd and Bill Murray.

I think Hollywood is well aware of this not so diverse anymore, American culture war and crafted a domestic trailer to appeal to both camps. I think they did it quite successfully. Hillary, Bernie and Trump supporters might all agree this is an American movie. Whether or not they will go out and see it is another story.



Mitch Eiven

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