Titanic - by ‘The Contrarian Dude’

Sandesh Agrawal
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2015

How often we come to hear views which are so contradicting to our mindset, that first shocks us, then compels us to rethink everything about our beliefs, then make us feel proud about gaining this new insight. While discussing the storyline of the movie Titanic, with my friend, i heard this iconoclastic view about what that movie really represented. These were his exact words about Rose in Titanic :

“Rose is a very wrong girl in Titanic. I mean, she is totally unworthy of jack, who is a guy who lives life to the fullest, a courageous guy. He unlocks her, makes her feel loved, jack has so much to offer to her. He is a guy who is witty, makes her feel joy. She was so subdued, he is the one who opens her.

Rose was marrying Cal for her family prestige. Cal was marrying her for her beauty. She was betrothed to him, if he treats her wrongly she didn’t had the guts to kick him in ass, walk out and look for other guy. Instead she tolerates it, simultaneously goes out with Jack, gives him importance in front of Cal, dances with him, have sex with him, cheats on Cal, then has the audacity to shout at Cal saying “I’d rather be his whore than your wife”, and thus breaking up with him. She is a weakling, but still an ideal for girls.

The story of titanic is not about comparison between Jack and Cal, neither about Jack and Rose, neither how they chose to die together. Rather about a girl who is telling story where she can frame anything she damn well please. Not exactly lie but subdue and intensify facts, it is a story about a girl who cheated.

If you love that movie, then love it for its grandeur, for the bravery of the violinists who played even if death was on them, for the courage of the captain who didn’t abandon the ship, but chose to die with it, for depicting human emotions in time of emergency, for showing human pride, for the mesmerising song, love that movie with all your heart but for the love of Jack and not the Rose.”

I have 10 years of industry experience in Google, Adobe & Goldman Sachs. I took 100+ interviews at Google to hire for the role of Software Engineer. I am a former Tech lead at Google Pay & Google Ads team. I am helping everyone build a successful career in Software industry.

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