Mark Apostolou
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2016


Tom Hanks 2020: Yes He Can

We live in dark times. Very dark times.

The next leader of the free world is this guy

Yes. Like I said. Dark times.

So what better way to fight the purest form of evil? Why you simply turn to a knight in shining armour…

The man for the job?

Tom Hanks. Yes you read that correctly.

Before anyone says ‘that will never happen’ think back to when you said that when Donald Trump first announced his decision to run for the Oval office…

Everyone loves Tom Hanks. Everyone. There is no one on planet earth more universally loved than the two-time Oscar winner. Literally. I’ve done the research.

The US has of course had an actor as president, Ronald Reagan, and he was a piss poor wooden performer whilst Mr Hanks has fashioned a career of real quality over the past four decades, admittedly 99% of his roles are of a similar type.

You know the role. The every-man with the boyish charm, triumphing over adversity, sticking it to the man. Road to Perdition being perhaps one break from that norm.

Nice Guy

Off screen Hanks just seems like a nice guy. The kind of guy who you could enjoy a beer with, the kind of guy you wish was YOUR dad.

The kind of guy who can job through the middle of someone else’s wedding and happily stop to take a selfie with the bridge and groom.

Those NRA life-time members and crazy survivalists, and of course those with KKK leanings, would find it very hard to say a bad word about Hanks though no doubt some Republican or other will demand to see his birth certificate before claiming the Saving Private Ryan star was in fact born in Uganda.

Relax guys, here’s Tom with a gun….

All American Hero

Hanks has spent his career playing American heroes, both fictitious and real, whether he’s the brave military captain storming the beach at Normandy or overcoming the odds to serve with honour during the Vietnam war, whilst also being damn good at table tennis to boot.

These roles no doubt leave those on the hard-right proud to be American.

Yes it’s true he’s never held elected office but thankfully someone has already proved that this needn’t be a barrier Tom would have to overcome.

The world is not ready for a Bill Murray presidency

Some have suggested that if you’re going to go down the actor/presidential race runner route then Bill Murray might be the way to go.

I think we can all agree though as much as love the Caddyshack & Lost in Translation star, it’s fairly clear that Bill Murray as president of the United States would be a mighty cluster-fuck, albeit an entertaining one.

So Tom, will you do it? You could win.

Run Forrest Run…



Mark Apostolou

Screenwriter, editor, journalist. I put one word in front of another, for a living.