Trakt for Movian Media Center now available!

Fábio Ferreira
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2016

Hi, everyone, it is now available to download at the Plugin Central inside Movian ( the newest plugin… Trakt!

NOTE: You need Movian version at least 5.0.241.

With it you can see every detail you need to know about a movie, tv show, season or even an episode, follow your favorite tv shows (including see when will debut the next episode), maintain your watchlist for both tv shows and movies, browse among different lists like the current trending movies (and others) and for those who like to mark automatically what they watch on Trakt… scrobble (send to Trakt your playback status of a given media, ideal to mark automatically when you watch a movie/episode)!

Main menu (Upcoming Episodes, Movies in my Watchlist and TV Shows in my Watchlist only available when authenticated)

The main menu is your point of access to the information, you can browse here quickly to the upcoming episodes for your favorite tv shows (next 31 days), see your watchlist, see lists (e.g. the trending movies).

Please note that the upcoming episodes for your favorite tv shows and access to your watchlists are only available when authenticated (in settings).

When at the movie view, you can see the details about the movie, including its description and even ratings from external source (i.e. rotten tomatoes and metacritic).

When seeing the information about a tv show you can see many details, like the description of the tv show, the seasons, the awards (wins and nominations), ratings and some other extras.

If you are authenticated then you can see right here the next episode you should watch next.

In the episode view you can see details about the episode as well manipulate it, e.g. mark it as seen.

Let’s imagine now you have legal access to a movie and want to see details about it, you may then choose on the movie’s context menu the option “Open in Trakt” which will open automatically the correct view (if it is a movie then the movie view, if a tv show then the tv show view, and so on).

Finally the “Scrobble” option, which is only available to authenticated users, allows you to start a manual scrobble, letting you choose the correct movie/episode from a list if there is some ambiguity about the media (e.g. “Gotham” may refer to many tv shows/movies, so you’ll need to choose the correct one from a list).

Take note that the settings have an option “Enable scrobble”, if you use this option that setting will be overriden for this playback session only. But in case you have the setting enabled and start playing the movie/episode normally (not going to the context menu), if it has enough metadata (i.e. an IMDb id) associated then it will try to automatically scrobble the media represented by that metadata, otherwise (e.g. there is no enough metadata) the automatic scrobble will not work for that media and if you really want to scrobble it then you will have to use this option.

Note that once the movie/tv show starts playing (in case you didn’t disable the setting “Show Notifications” inside the section “Scrobble”) there will be a notification letting you know that the scrobble is active for this playback session, from this point on you just need to relax since you won’t need to configure extra things for scrobble for this playback session, everything related to scrobbling, will be handled automatically.

Upcoming is also a special update to skin Xperience for Movian, which will bring a new rewritten list view, intended to be enjoyable while improving your experience with Movian. There is no scheduled release date yet.

You can get more information about that update at

Since it is the initial launch of the plugin there may be bugs, if you find any please report it at mentioning correctly the plugin on the description of the issue.

Take note of the following known issues:

  • Touchscreen is not currently full supported
  • Remote control does not work

These known issues hopefully will be fixed later.

