Unforgettable Forgetful Fish: What Can You Learn From Her

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3 min readJun 16, 2016
source: click here

Finally, after three years waiting, I can watch Dory again. The Premiere of ‘Finding Dory’ is today so one of my dear friends and I were watching the movie this afternoon. In the middle of fasting time we were surrounded by little cute kids who bring popcorn and drinks, well it’s a bit weird but my friend and I are strong anyway hehehe.

Ever since ‘Finding Nemo’ and the announcement of the sequel of it, I’ve been waiting for that movie especially wandering what will Dory do this time. Yep, Dory is the most wanted character I want so see. Well technically she help Marlin so much and take a risk to find Nemo beyond the sea. She may be weird, forgetful, and sometimes annoying, but the thing is she do many things for people, accidentally, unexpectedly, though she often forget it. But for people who meet her, they don’t, she always be remembered.

I remember my teacher taught me when I was kid. The power of being kind. Never ever remember what you have done to people especially when you do good things for them. Cause it will make you too proud, then you forget to be grateful. On the contrary we must and always remember what people have done to you (good things) so you will learn how to appreciate and gratitude.

I find it true. Sincerity is rare today, but through Dory, I can see the true sincerity in her. Well she’s just a fantasy, a human character through blue tang fish. But don’t see the animation, see the meaning of the story. See what the maker wants to give the message to the audience. See the sincerity in Dory.

The whole story is that Dory wants to find her family whom she lost long long ago, and of course she try so hard to remember anything to get the clue. She try anything, even the craziest things just to find her loved ones. The story is beautiful and teary. From the beginning to the end of the movie. I find three main points from Dory and what can we learn from her:

  1. She’s pure. Forget the short-term memory lost. She’s definitely the one with pure heart. And I’m so jealous cause sometimes I’m not being honest to my own feelings or to people. I always keep it beyond my mind and end up with long long contemplation. While Dory, she can’t remember something important, she always try to make people trust her, because she’s true. Because she never lie.
  2. She’s moving forward. Although she needs to flashback to get the clue, she never swim back. Remember her motto? ‘Just keep swimming’ means just keep going whatever happens, whatever people say, anything. Just keep going. She remember something to keep moving. She barely has a plan for her even for a second cause she’s just forget everything in one place. But she always find a way, even more ways to get through, to go anywhere, never go back. Well, what about you? :)
  3. Forgetful yet Remembered. She suffered short-term memory lost, is not her fault. There’s always a good sign behind everything that seems bad. She don’t need to remember little bad things in the past (well about her parents are not count, it’s teary not bad). She barely broken, she’s just confused but she never give up. Her sincerity makes people worried yet love her. Like Nemo and Marlin. They stand by her. Always.

I ask myself again and again. Am I good enough? Am I truthful? To myself? To people? Have I missed something? How long I’ve been hurt but never want to find a way to heal myself? Am I still looking back? What will I do? Well, what will Dory do?

Simple, just moving forward.

It’s just a sharing through my favorite characher, thanks for reading it. Hope it useful :)




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