We Need More Movies Like ‘La La Land’

Marine Pérot
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2017

‘La La Land’ is good for the heart and good for the soul. Diving into Damien Chazelle’s ode to dreamers, you’ll find that ‘La La Land’ is a waltz that swoops you up from it’s opening sequence until the very end. Viewers are carried throughout the movie in the same way Ryan Gosling spins Emma Stone around in the film’s most magically surreal sequence.

It all starts with a enchanting opening (that might make you appreciate traffic jams from now on). ‘La La Land’ opens with a catchy musical number that sets the tone for the entire film: a group of hopeful singers make the best out of an otherwise dreary situation and turn a traffic jam into an opportunity to dance and express their optimistic views. ‘Another Day of Sun’ says that tomorrow always get the chance to be a better day, so from the get go, ‘La La Land’ is set on an hopeful note.

Everything in this movie combines an old fashion vibe to modernism, from the settings to the costumes and the music. Let us all keep an eye on Justin Hurwitz, who did not steal his Golden Globe for Best Soundtrack this year. His work on ‘La La Land’ is a masterpiece of fresh air and nostalgia mixed with an urge to get you on your feet and dance down the street like no one is watching.

‘La La Land’ is about those who chase their dreams, and in modern day America, given the current political landscape and the divisions striking the country, the idea that people are forced to give up on their dreams in order to stay afloat is not unfamiliar. This movie reminds us of the importance of fighting for those dreams. Charming with a touch of surrealism, ‘La La Land’ simply makes viewers feel happy.

It is a reminder of hope, but it is also about love and choices. Gosling and Stone’s characters are two artists confronted to a choice between their romance and their love for their respective arts. They want to achieve their goals but also find in each other the support they need to do so, making of Love a necessity when it comes to facing struggles.

The real world is hard. Real life is hard. Being a dreamer has never been a walk in the park but it’s particularly true in this day and age. Jobs are sparse, life is expensive, and not all creative people achieve their dreams. ‘La La Land’ is not all sugar coated, as it does not forget to mention the struggles and frustrations that come with wanting to do something but not getting a shot at it. And that’s the beauty of it, ‘La La Land’ is both surreal and somewhat real.

Why do we need more movies like ‘La La Land,’ especially now? Because viewers can benefit from surrendering to surrealism, to dance and to music. It is good for us to dwell on dreams for a couple of hours, to feel the pleasure provided by a cinematographic experience that makes our hearts glow.

‘La La Land’ is for the fools who dream, the creatives, the artists, the ones who have something to say and are working towards a way to express it. The world needs those dreamers. Now more than ever.



Marine Pérot

French entertainment journalist based in the US. Works found on @DailyMarsNet & @SoapEditions. @France_ACS member. Also a copywriter.