Week 2

Caitlin Lawler
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2017

Headed into the second week of classes here at Regents University, as I am still adapting to the change of culture, climate, time difference etc. This week in studio production I had to miss class on Thursday because I was super sick with strep and a fever. Tuesday’s class I learned a lot with Ted (one of the other film teachers here) He taught our class on Tuesday and he basically focused on “ What does a director due? ”

In Tuesday’s class we watched various clips to analyze, shots, lighting, setting, plot etc. But the one thing I really took away from this class session was learning about the seven most important questions to ask yourself as a director. Ted opened my mind as a director in many different ways. Although I want to go into broadcasting, It was nice to see and learn why my peers in the class and why he has such a passion and reason for wanting to direct.

Later on in the class we spilt into groups. We were asked to pick a Place, Setting, Object I was extremely confused until he gave us a very bland script, and told us to make a story out of the script we were given and what we came up with prior. We had to come up with a shot list, what props were gonna be used, what the background story was, and how to get specific shots based off the story line, all very hard things to do when given limited time, but it helped us get and idea on how to start brainstorming for our projects.

Confidence is an important element to directing and film making. Confidence of the vision that you have, confidence with how you want to say it, and of course confidence with what it is that you want to say.”- Dominic Savage

I came across and article on the BBC website and while reading what Mr. Savage said in this article reminded me of what Ted was trying to get across to us during tuesday’s class session. Ted’s class was very enjoyable. And I look forward to learning more with new people in the upcoming weeks :)

quote from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/academy/production/television/directing/article/art20141124152707397

