Drawing emotions with the light

Rafaela Pazeto
Apple Developer Academy | Federico II
3 min readMar 18, 2020

Have you ever found yourself opening your cell phone camera and having some difficulty finding the best angle to capture something beautiful you just saw?

Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

This is a frequent challenge for amateur photographers, people like you who would like to record a special moment in an image, but don’t know how to find the angle for a perfect shot.

Thinking that many other people could also go through this situation, my team and I decided to investigate more on this subject, to know what are the real needs of an amateur photographer and try to find the best solution of this problem through the results found.

After interviewing and collecting data, we observed that:

  • most amateur photographers do not know how to set image standards, probably because they don’t have experience
  • do not use professional equipment, because it is expensive and they just started in this field
  • find unusual objects to be photographed, in order to learn with practice and in an agile way.

“I like to draw emotions with light.” — Levi Mori

What can be noticed is that the photographer expresses himself through the image, creates his brand, his visual identity. He doesn’t just want to make a beautiful ordinary photo, but to do something totally different, unique and impactful.

According to Josh S. Rose the high impact photo has the ability to define the photographer, makes , generally, be remembered for photos that look special and different. And that to get different results, you need to shoot differently.

Based on this data, we conducted a brainstorming where our main objective was to answer the question: “How can we create a product that meets the needs and desires of a real human being?”

Following this reasoning aimed at amateur photographers, we analyzed the responses of our interviewees and idealized the proposal of an app that helps an amateur photographer who wants to improve his photography skills by using patterns identified in standard shapes.

App Camera Patterns

As you can see in the image above , it is possible to choose a shape that is more similar to the object to be photographed between different patterns. With this “guide” it is easier to find an angle so that your photo is aligned and you can create series of landscapes, places and moments more precisely.

Our app provides a type of “guide” to position the camera according to pre-established angles based on geometric shapes, creating recognition patterns using machine learning. Thus, you are able to quickly find the perfect angle for your photo and record all special moments in a practical and fun way.

