Earme: let us hear for you.

Ada Russo
Apple Developer Academy | Federico II
3 min readJun 12, 2020
EarMe app, mockup presentation.

Imagine yourself walking down the street, and dropping something -like your car or house’s key, without even realizing it. And someone sees it, and shout at you: “Hey! Excuse me, you’ve just dropped something”.

Or imagine yourself crossing the road without paying attention because you’re on your phone, or you’re talking with someone or you simply have too many things going on inside your mind. And someone sees you and the cars passing by, and shout: “Hey, you! Be careful!”.

Or once again, imagine yourself walking in a street or a square full of people, and something happens, and someone -like a policeman, a guard or even a simple person- needs to pass through the crowd as quickly as he can, and shout at you and everyone else: Move, move!

Thanks to who’s around you, and thanks to their words and their voices, your day -or in the worst case your life, has been saved.

Now, imagine the same scenarios, but with you being a deaf person. The key that you dropped would probably never got them back, cause you will never hear that person who was calling you. And that one person who saw you crossing the road in that way will never be able to warn you about that danger, allowing you to go back home and hug your family.

Imagine your daily life, all those simple scenarios that you usually don’t even pay attention to, because they’re easy to avoid -thanks to a few words. Can you see the difference? Can you see how these smallest things, can represent huge problems to someone else? Can you imagine how wonderful would it be, if someone could actually solve these problems?

Well, now we ask you one last thing. We’re asking you to stop imagine, because we have the solution. EarMe is the solution.

EarMe app, promotional animate image.

EarMe is a stand-alone app for apple watch that thanks to a notification system will warn a deaf person about the surrounding environment. With the last software update, the apple watch is able to support the machine learning inside the apps. We decided to pick a few keywords that, in case of danger or need in general, will notify the owner through a simple vibration that changes according to the recognized word! On top of that, we also added a hearing threshold of the surrounding sounds: if the watch will detect a loud noise, like the sound of sirens or car horns, the app will notify the deaf person too.

We capture any sound around you, and we compare them with the machine learning model included in the app, to give you a correct recognition of the word or sound that is detected -even in particular situations with disturbed backgrounds, such as when you’re stuck inside the traffic or a shopping center. EarMe works also in the background; you only have to start the recognition from the main page of the app. And no, we don’t store any data. Your privacy is safe when you use EarMe, when you’re with us.

Yes, we know. We know what you’re thinking: everything sounds great, but… what happens if the keywords that we choose, are repeated many times during the day and not even with that purpose? Is my wrist going to vibrate for all the day long, driving me crazy? Well, the answer is no! Thanks to the switches, the user could activate or deactivate the words that he prefers, choosing by himself which ones are actually helpful and suitable for his life and needs. Also, the design of the app is thought to be as intuitive as possible, and ready to be used through a simple touch on the complications!

Earme: let us hear for you.

EarMe app, UI/UX user experience.

