Hurricane Ship

Santo Gaglione
Apple Developer Academy | Federico II
4 min readMay 27, 2020

Fly for the future!

Hurricane Ship!

Cowabunga, fellow players!

Here we are again with “Flynn’s Arcade”, the column that takes you backstage of the hottest video game software houses!

Fasten your seat belts because in this episode we return to visit our friends “Three Caballeros” (now “Caballeros Studio”) to talk about the post-Kesama era, the hit that has inflamed your home consoles, their experiences and what’s cooking for the future!

First, let me be clear, I had no idea what those bad boys and girls were up to, but as soon as I arrived at their headquarters (which is no longer in a basement, but in the whitest cottage on the outskirts of Dallas) they welcomed me in the most classic Caballeros style…putting a gamepad in my hands.

Practically thrown in front of a Sony Videoscope television, I had the opportunity to try their latest creature, and man … what a trip!

In this game we are in command of the Hurricane Ship, sent on a mission to hyperspace to retrieve precious resources for planet earth.

But wait, the Kessel run is no place to feel safe!

To successfully complete our task, we will have to slide between the asteroids that infest it, performing perfect and calculated maneuvers.

Fortunately, Mother Earth is sending us help in the form of different power ups such as a shield that will deflect impacts or a special Szalinski beam that will shrink you to fly much easier.

“Flynn”, you’d say, “with all these power ups it will be very easy to always make new high scores!”.

Keep calm, dear Arcaders, because there is an evil space force lurking in the dark, that will throw on the map a correspondent and opposite downgrade to deceive you and to make your life harder.

So the most classic space video game…you have to collect boxes and score points, right? Right… except IT IS NOT.

Rockin’ in space!

Full packed with the main experience comes an exclusive multiplayer mode, in which you can take the commands of the ship with your friends and challenge yourself to remain their friend when they will inevitably do exactly the opposite of what you agreed together!

But when you’ll get used to playing and you understand how to coordinate together, it will be really fun!

And now, let’s pass the mic to the Caballeros:

Who you gonna call? Caballeros Studio!

Hello, dear Arcaders! What’s up?

A lot has happened since the last time we spoke…first of all, as you may already know, we changed our name to “Caballeros Studio”!

The reason is soon explained, after Kesama we released Goutte, and then…we realized that we couldn’t continue doing everything on our own, so we recruited other Caballeros.

Let us tell that the experience of working in an extended team like this is incomparable, having someone who always covers your shoulders and on whom you can really count on is a big relief.

Also having different heads to deal with, with different ideas and thoughts is an experience that has enriched us a lot and made us grow in a way that we didn’t think possible.

Working in a well-oiled team like this does nothing but soften and speed up all the game creation processes we mentioned last time, making the whole process much more accessible.

So, consider the idea of ​​working with others!

Thanks for your support and saludos, amigos!

But the surprises don’t end there, just when I was about to leave they dragged me back and…do you remember that the last time I said that the Caballeros were using some innovative technology? Well … they did it again, doubling the size!

Still super secret, still your kids are gonna love that!

So, that’s all for this month, and as always, may all your scores be the top!

Written by Caballeros Studio.
Caballeros Studio is formed by: Mario De Luca, Santo Gaglione, Francesca Paola Franco, Albert Kwaskiewicz, Eliana Ecuba, Marco Di Gennaro, Alessandro Raiola

