Remo: Remote for Linux

Let’s imagine we can change our life with a simple click.

No, not exactly like in the Adam Sandler movie.
But what if I told you there is a way to change the way you laze around?

Well, imagine a cold winter day, you have just downloaded a video player on your PC or you want to see your favorite TV series on the RasberryPi and you are ready, ready on your sofa …
You are almost about to fall asleep but the volume of TV series is too high!
You don’t know what to do, you’re under the blankets, you’re eating, you’re so cold and you absolutely don’t want to get up just to turn down the volume.

What would happen if your phone magically turned into a remote control?

To answer this question today we will talk about Remo: the evolution of your remote control!
An application for everyone that makes your smartphone your inseparable sofa friend..
So it’s computer science that we’re talking about, not real magic.
Fantastic idea, but it will certainly be difficult to install, right?

Everything you need is listed here:

- An internet connection.

… and that’s enough.

Obviously iPhone and device must be connected to the same network in order to communicate.

Remo will help you to uncover all the possibilities of your PC.

It turns your iPhone into a user-friendly remote control and simulate the function of a keyboard through an easy user interface that reminds a remote control.

Github link here:

Remo v1.0

