3 things I hate about Safari Web Brower.

Seriously, how can Apple overlook these 3 things?

3 min readFeb 13, 2014

I’ve been an avid Google Chrome user on every device I browse the web.

In December I switched to Safari. Why not? I’ve used all other browsers in the past and, as seeing now all of my devices are from Apple, it made sense.

Here are the 3 things I hate about Safari. Everything else is great!

1. Remembering Website Zoom

I visit a website. The text is too small or too big. I zoom in or zoom out. The function’s there so why not use it, right?


I inevitabley visist the same websites daily so why can’t Safari remember my zoom setting? I’ve searched for solutions and there are endless forum posts on endless forums from unhappy Safari users with the same grievence.

PLEASE remember my zoom!!

Some even state quite clearly that they’re using Google Chrome instead simply for this one irritation. Pick up your game Apple. It can’t be that hard to achieve can it?

2. Search With Google Opening in the Same Tab

Safari will open the below option in the existing tab. I see tabs as a way of not having to leave your current page. Endless tabs mean easier browsing. I never open a link in the same window.

I’ll always right-click > open in new tab. That way, if the openend link is wrong all I have to do is close it and I’m back to my original page without having to wait for the reloading of the page. Simple!

Safari opens this “Search with Google” in THIS tab.

Google Chrome, however, will open this in a new tab.

3. Limited reopen tabs memory

In Google Chrome the shortcut Shift+Command+T will repon your closed tabs.

And when I say closed tabs I mean ANY closed tabs you’ve had open in that session as far back as you like. If I had a tab open at 9am and had since opened 172 tabs, I can use this shortcut 171 times to get back to my first open tab.

Safari will only let you reopen your last tab. That’s it. No further back than that.

If you didn’t know this shortcut then you’re welcome. It’s the most used shortcut in my working day.

What I Like About Safari

  1. Double-tab using magic mouse to zoom
  2. Download tab to check progress of download within a neat little window — and open those downloads from the browser
  3. Top sites displayed layout (tiled wall)
  4. Easy bookmarking into folders via drag-and-drop
  5. Bookmarks slideout list
  6. Reading list and its availability on other Safari-capable devices
  7. Shared links in the browser to check Twitter etc without leaving the browser
  8. Gestured swipes to go back and forward pages
  9. Auto-fill forms
  10. Keychain integration for credit card payment entry and passwords.

