Variable declaration and assignment - Swift Tutorial

Ozan Emre Duran
AppleCode Chronicles
2 min readJun 3, 2023

In Swift, variable declaration and assignment can be done using the var keyword. Here's the basic syntax:

var variableName: DataType = initialValue

Let’s break down each part:

  • var: It is the keyword used to declare a variable.
  • variableName: It is the name you choose for your variable. You can use any valid identifier name that follows Swift's naming rules.
  • DataType: It is the type of data the variable can hold. It can be a built-in type (e.g., Int, String, Bool) or a custom type.
  • initialValue: It is an optional part that allows you to assign an initial value to the variable. The assigned value must be compatible with the declared data type.

Here are a few examples:

var age: Int = 25 
var name: String = "John Doe"
var isStudent: Bool = true

In the examples above, we declared three variables: age, name, and isStudent. The age variable is of type Int and initialized with the value 25. The name variable is of type String and initialized with the value "John Doe". The isStudent variable is of type Bool and initialized with the value true.

In Swift, type inference can also be used to automatically determine the data type of a variable based on its initial value. In such cases, you don’t need to explicitly specify the data type:

var age = 25 
var name = "John Doe"
var isStudent = true

In the examples above, Swift infers the data types based on the assigned initial values. The variables age and isStudent are still of type Int and Bool, respectively, while the variable name is of type String.

If you’re interested in learning more about Swift, I recommend checking out my articles on Medium. You can access them through the template I created on Notion, which provides a structured learning process and easy navigation to different topics. Happy learning, and best of luck on your Swift programming journey!

Click here for Notion Swift Tutorial Template :)



Ozan Emre Duran
AppleCode Chronicles

I'm a passionate programmer who loves exploring and using Apple products. Swift is my language of choice.