Extensions for Codable in Swift
Extensions for Codable in Swift

Extensions for Codable in Swift

Pramod Kumar
Published in
May 15, 2020


Since we got Codable protocol in use to go from JSON data to object of actual Swift struct or class.
We use JSONEncoder() and JSONDecoder() to do so.
Here I’ve two extensions of Encodable and Decodable protocols, that I generally use while in my coding. That enables me to use Codable Api in very efficient and useful manner.

Extensions for Codable Protocol
Extensions for Codable Protocol

Here is the full code that can be tested on Playground. 👇


I’ve created decoded() as a generic method that either can infer the type from current context or you can provide whilst making call.

👩‍💻 !!! KEEP CODING !!! 👨‍💻

Thank you 😊 for reading. Questions? Leave them in the comment.

