The iPhone SE you should buy in 2020

Iwan de Jong
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2020

The long-awaited iPhone SE is launched. Finally. It’s maybe not as we expected, but certainly at that price tag every person will be uncertain of buying an Android. There were much of rumors that the SE will remain in it’s original shape but full screen like the X and 11, turned out not so, but we’re happy to say $399 is worth it. Here’s why…

Increase from 4.0″ to 4.7″

Whether Apple decided that the old legendary box-shaped phone is history or not, they increased the screen size by 0.7 inches playing on par with the iPhone 8. It’s a significant change for SE and 5s users, having to adapt to the new size, which in some cases is better, but never again you’ll see an iPhone standing upright on it’s own. At first, it seemed a big surprise, just as the iPhone X were launched without a home button. I guess it’s just something we have to adapt to.

Equal performance with iPhone 11!?

Yes, they did it. Fitting the latest Apple A13 Bionic chip into the SE and also claiming that the A13-chip is the most advanced chip ever fitted in a phone up to date. That means a lot to current SE-users, seeing that their device is on the front of ending support for iOS (of which is likely that iOS 14 won’t available on the 1st generation), will now me assured that Apple will remain supporting the new SE for some time.

Enhancing the iPhone 11’s A13 on the new SE will prove that iPhone is in front of the waves in terms of fluidity of use. I agree, fitting the A13 chip doesn’t mean much to the public, but it will have a huge impact on your time.

They did some work on the camera too!

The previous-gen SE was really on the frond end of taking photos. For such a small camera behind (compared to the iPhone 11‘s size of cameras), this little genius proved a lot and now even proves more! Apple claims that since the A13 Bionic chip is fitted, the new SE now supports Portrait mode (which blurs out background, grabbing the person’s attention) with a LOT of functions. The new Portrait mode features “Portrait Lighting” which refers to 6 effects enhancing your photo according to surroundings.

On the camera too, a 4K-camera claiming that you’ll experience video 4 times better than it’s predecessor.

Battery life, water-resistant and the old home button

They did a bit of marketing (too) for Apple TV+ by ‘increasing’ the SE’s battery life to watch for 13 hours. Actually, when you compare the two SE’s, both of them have a claimed 13 hours of video playback. Nonetheless, with the new 18W-charger, you can charge the phone up to 50% in 30 minutes, which I guess will be very handy sometimes.

“Survives splashes, sloshes, sprinkles, sprays, splatters, and spills.” claimed by A IP67-rate is given to the SE meaning that your phone will survive for 30 minutes at 1 meter depth, which sounds amazing, but actually they’re just assuring you that a splash won’t kill your phone.

The old home button is still there. When I saw it, I was like “this is the only thing that is the same from the previous-gen SE”, but scrolling down I saw “Haptic touch” which will probably tell that the SE will reign the same sort of button fitted on the iPhone 7 and 8. Actually, you might ask yourself after all this: why didn’t they fit Face ID? I suggest that this will remain Touch ID for as long the name stays “SE”.

Some new changes I noted

I actually noted some changes which for some might be a con but for other a big advantage. At first, the new haptic touch will likely be switchable through Settings, but for me personally, why would you do that? The next thing I noted is that the SE now records voice on stereo, which basically means that there are two microphones fitted and one records the high, the other the low sounds. I guess, not bad, Apple, it will definitely improve our Voice Note experience. The last 2 things I noted is that it will not make use of an audio jack and the full-aluminium finish is now completely gone and replaced by a glass finish.


Apple did something great again, definitely. The moment the SE was launched, I was overexcited by the performance and camera actually fitted on the lower range iPhone. Replaced by it’s predecessor, I wouldn’t say it’s like a iPhone 9, but it’s also not a SE that we all thought it would be. It’s an amazing invention, we have to admit it and again, for the bargain of $399, it would barely take a “yes” to buy it. Orders now open at

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